Statue of “Father of Modern Gynecology” Defaced In New York – IOTW Report

Statue of “Father of Modern Gynecology” Defaced In New York


The likeness of J. Marion Sims was spray painted with the word “Racist” and the eyes and neck were marked in red by vandals last night in Central Park. Dr. Sims is remembered as the pioneer in repairing vesicovaginal fistula and vaginal surgery.

He conducted his early experimental surgery on 12 female slaves who were brought to him by their masters because they were in need of treatment.


J. Marion Sims Wiki page Here

If Dr. Sims was a such rabid racist, why is there a statue to him in Central Park?

30 Comments on Statue of “Father of Modern Gynecology” Defaced In New York

  1. Part of the controversy is that Sims operated on those slave patients without anesthesia, but used anesthesia on white women later in his career.

    I’d argue that during the early part of his career they didn’t know that much about anesthesia and those patients had a greater risk of dying from the drugs than towards the end of the 19th Century.

  2. “I’d argue that during the early part of his career they didn’t know that much about anesthesia…”

    Oh man, Crawford Long is next.

    Pokémon was just a game. Statuemon is the real thing.

  3. Opportunists Who Think They Can Walk Up To Any Statue and Destroy It !
    It’s Probably a Dream Come True For People Who Just Like Breaking Shit,
    You Knew Them in School… Or May Have Been One Yourself !!!
    Any Demolition Guys Out There ???

  4. @Dr. Tar – You’re right about the anesthesia. The wiki article on Dr. Sims states that the operations on slaves took place between 1845 and 1849. Dr. Crawford Long first wrote about using ether for anesthesia during surgery and first introduced the concept in a local publication in GA in 1849. From wiki on him (which mentions Dr. Sims crediting Long with the concept):

    Long was the first obstetric anesthetist. In 1845, he had his wife inhale ether while she was giving birth. Until recently, his practice of using inhalation anesthesia dominated obstetrics. In 1849, Long announced his discovery in a small local magazine. However, he did not receive significant recognition until Dr. Marion Sims, a famous New York surgeon, published the first major article about Long’s contribution. Today, the majority of scholars concur that Long performed the first successful surgery using anesthesia.

    Typical of the historically illiterate morons these days calling everyone a racist to accuse him of not using anesthesia on the slave women based on color when the fact is that general anesthesia had not even been “discovered” at the time he did those surgeries. Of course he used it later on “white women” because it wasn’t known until after he had operated on the slave women.

  5. Why men are not allowed to take phone messages:

    Note left on refrigerator –

    “Someone from the Gyna Colleges called. They said the Pabst Beer is normal.

    I didn’t know you even liked beer.”

  6. the cultural revolution in China didn’t end well – an entire generation was condemned to ignorance, and a vast part of China’s history was destroyed……

    but that’s okay, we should just do the same EXACT thing here…..let a bunch of lunatic STUDENTS run the country until nobody is willing to remember the past……it’s the old YEAR ZERO theory of marxism – erase EVERTHING, and start from scratch…..

    the muslims are trying to do the same thing – erase ALL HISTORY of what happened before mohammed, pig piss be upon him, and pretend there was nothing until there was mohammed, hog piss be upon him…….

    no matter how the english tried to make the irish forget that they were irish, somehow or other, the irish remain irish…no matter how hard the french and spanish try to make the basque forget they are basque, somehow, the basque remain basque…..

    no matter how hard the federal govt tries to make us forget we are american…somehow……we remain american…..probbly just to spite them….. 🙂

  7. They are allergic to history.
    History is what it is. Good; rejoice. Bad; learn from it.
    The problem is damage. Somebody built that statue. Toiled over it, got it paid for, hired a mighty artist. Those artists had talent. The ones tearing it down haven’t any.
    The problem with revolutions is that destroying the world you live in over lofty ideals; destroys the world you live in.
    Putting people in jail for failing to recognize and address with the proper pronoun, which brand of pervert is in front of them. Old Glory offends. The Military is racist. Dolly Parton is racist for not fawning enough over the black slavery issue in her show.
    The left is the New Nazi party and they have replaced Brown Shirts with Black outfits and Masks.
    Soon they will have a Fuhrer.

  8. my personal “statue of gynecology” would go to my doctors Cook and Leomporra…….who would have charged me $75 for an abortion, when i was an unmarried pregnant 17-year-old, when abortion was first legalized, or charged me the same $75 for complete pre-natal care, birth coverage – including hospital costs etc – and adoption legal services, all for the same $75……my daughter was born on Labor day later that year…..and got adopted straight out of the hospital, to a couple who could not have their own kids…..i feel kinda good about that, actually….

    yeah, i would like to put up a statue to those doctors……

  9. The only thing that never gets in short supply is ignorance. We are living in an Age of Ignorance. This is not going to end well for these miserable swine. The politicians who side with these malcreants will regret doing so, because the majority of Americans are mostly proud of their history and their heritage.

  10. B_B, So did Hillary Rodham Clinton. There is another midterm election coming up in 435 days. I’d feel a lot better if Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka were in Trump’s inner circle during that time, but we will all see if Jared and Ivanka can fill their places. After all, Donald Trump prizes loyalty above all human attributes, right?

  11. Marco
    You’re fucking irrelevant. Why? Because DJT could walk on water and you’d call it a scam. You hate the guy. I get it. Probably Hispanic of one form or another. Why are you here? And stay off my side when the shit starts. Everyone here gets it. Marco hates Trump, loves Cruz. Except Cruz lost. Bigly. It’s time for you to go home to the right poop.

  12. “B_B, I didn’t know you were the Director of Truthspeak on this site.”

    Far from it. But I think I have the right to determine who will potentially fight on my side. And you’re not welcome. Check in with Antifa. I hear their looking.

  13. B_B, You live close enough to the center of all this activity to drive to Berkeley in a few hours. I’ll look for you taking it to the streets of Berkeley to prove your point.

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