Statue of Liberty Climber- It’s Wrong For Me To Despise This Cretin? – IOTW Report

Statue of Liberty Climber- It’s Wrong For Me To Despise This Cretin?

I didn’t think it was possible, but I prefer Yoko Ono to this dirtball.

29 Comments on Statue of Liberty Climber- It’s Wrong For Me To Despise This Cretin?

  1. Back in the 80’s I was foreman of a big machine shop. One of the young woman there was a Hispanic woman, not from Mexico. A naturalized citizen. Very attractive. Big, large breasts. Every frekean guy in the place was in heat. She use to preach the same shit as this lovely black woman. I remember one of the crew asking her out one Friday. Her response, “I don’t eat where I shit”. Mean while I’m banging on management to cut this bitch loose. The day it happened she propositioned me. I’m thinking it probably wasn’t all that good.

  2. There used to be a day when someone would stand on a street corner and yell this stuff and get arrested. For language and public decency not because of protesting.

    Now they are celebrated, given nefarious legal aid, TV time, and people have to look at this drivel and consider what it means for ungrateful others to denigrate and insult our country.

    Shouldn’t it be easier for a LEGAL immigrant to prove they deserve America by working hard at assimilation rather than proving how independently assholey they are?

    Thank God for Donald J. Trump and for of you who have and will continue to vote for him and his values.

  3. Probably saved yourself a trip to the Emergency Room Bad_Brad. Is it wrong to despise her? Not at all. Get in line. And while were at it let’s despise the blood suckers standing up there with her.

  4. This is someone who should have been placed in an institution instead of being placed in front of microphones. Why was this gap toothed moron given a forum?

  5. MAAAA..Make African Americans African Again………New hat……not all of course but it may be a worthwhile cost to make that one way ticket available if you win the idiot lottery.

  6. Guys, always remember what **is supposed** to distinguish us from these people: we are supposed to be the Good Guys! And Good Guys respect Common Sense, and Common Sense tells us: “Love the sinner, hate the sin”. Yes, what this woman says is bad, but she still has human dignity, and Jesus still is trying hard to convert her. We should be praying for her conversion.

  7. Ping with a sniper shot. This watermelon seed spitting POS is still alive and not slaw? WHY? Just another lawsuit Lottery winning victim. At least Trayvon didn’t make it.

  8. She is chaff, the good news is that America is full of decent people who counter her vileness with simple, homespun patriotism.
    The kind that lasts.
    Unlike this dog turd’s fame

  9. Here’s the context. In her home country, Boko Haram rules the roost.

    This isn’t a religious issue, troll.

    She’s an ungrateful piece of shit and there are literally several hundred other countries where she can take her Queen Kong act.

  10. The sheer arrogance of these people is really frightening. They come from a shithole country where they had NOTHING, land in the U.S. or any other Western country, and then try to change the very country that gives them asylum into a shithole country. They are thoroughly ungrateful asshats.

  11. KEEP IT CLASSY At about 1:00 – She puts her hind on that guy sitting down; first on his backpack and then on his head. What would’ve been the correct response? Sitting there and pretending it didn’t happen wasn’t one.

  12. Stefan Jetchick AUGUST 5, 2018 AT 7:17 AM
    “Love the sinner, hate the sin”. Yes, what this woman says is bad, but she still has human dignity, and Jesus still is trying hard to convert her. We should be praying for her conversion.

    Have you checked out her radical history since entry into our country? It’s available if you choose to google her. She’s nothing but a Black Liberation Marxist Radical, who is deserving of nothing more than she seeks…..

    Send her back to the insect infested mud hut hellhole from whence she came. Let’s see how their “judicial system” deals with her grievances.

  13. Sing on, Sistah!

    She’s doing as much for Trump’s Immigration Strategy as Trump!
    She should tour the Mid-West spewing this vitriol.

    I love it when these hate-America imbeciles speak out and the hate-America Demonrats support them!

    izlamo delenda est …


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