Staying At Home is Affecting Pets – IOTW Report

Staying At Home is Affecting Pets

CBS– Have you noticed a change in your pet’s behavior over the last few weeks?

Our pets have the ability to feel stress and anxiety and just like us, and these changes to our routine can be hard on them.

“Getting into things they shouldn’t is a top phone call we’ve been receiving,” Dr. Heidi Sutcliffe of Norwell Veterinary Hospital told WBZ-TV via FaceTime.

“Surfing counters, getting into the trash, destructive behavior, pent up energy not and being able to settle down are all signs they may be stressed,” Sutcliffe said.

With many people working from home and schools closed, your living space may be more hectic than your pet is used to. Some will enjoy the extra companionship, but others might want their space. Even social distancing can have a negative on your pet if they are used to doggy day care and lots of interaction.

“Try to keep your routine as close as possible and be consistent with feeding schedules. It will provide them some structure,” said Sutcliffe. “They’re very in-tune to your behavior so if you can do your best to remain calm then your animal will as well.”

Sutcliffe also recommends using puzzle toys and getting outside for some mental stimulation.

Playing in your own back yard or going for a hike are all great options. If you encounter another person with their dog, nose to nose contact is too close for humans to be standing.


ht/ fdr in hell

34 Comments on Staying At Home is Affecting Pets

  1. I tried the puzzle thing with my cats. It’s been on the table for 5 days and they haven’t so much as joined 2 pcs. Not even the borders. Maybe 1000 pcs was too much. (On a side note, I thought schooling was called off. What’s with the English class?)😉

  2. I’ve had to go to my bedroom and shut the door during the day or my cats will know I’m at home and pester me to death. It’s the only way I can find some peace at times. They’re used to being on their own all day. They’re used to the upstairs being uninteresting, so they don’t realize I’m upstairs.

    I wish this had happened a month or so later. There are so many outdoor projects we usually tackle around mid-April but it’s still too cold, despite the occasional sunshine, to be outside all day.

  3. Both of my doggies love the fact that my wife and I are home every day.

    They got used to weekends and at first were a lil confused when Monday never came around, but with both of us around to give them lovings all day and all night they are in their version of doggie heaven that “the pack” is always together….. not to mention all the extra beg-time it affords them for more than the usual amount of treats!

    After a week of this I have started calling my Beagle “chubs” because she is looking kinda fat now but my German Shepard is content just to be in my hip pocket so to speak all the time.

  4. Our dog is lovable loaf. Happy to run around the back yard for a little while if we can’t get to the park, and then get back to the business of loafing and getting love.

  5. My sweet pup is pissed that my husband is home all day.
    He yells at her to stay off my chair, but I never mind if she wants to pretend she is a 50lb lap dog.
    She is also irritated about missing play dates at our local dog park.

  6. Being retired, the dogs don’t see any difference in my schedule. However the basset did wake up and move to the other side of the bed.
    I’m worried about her.

  7. They do seem to be doing things that I don’t expect. But also Ann Nonymous Prime you are right, dictatorial is correct. I feed them and walk away. When I go back in to the kitchen they are crying and following me all around the house. So, I feed them again and everyone goes to sleep. Once they wake up, it’s as if they haven’t eaten in days! Crying and not leaving me alone. I usually feed them at 5:30am and then not again until 6:30pm. I know long day but when I came home it was never like it is now. Just spoiled. They know I will give in with all the carrying on and being annoying. I tell myself I won’t feed them again but know once they have a full stomach, they will go to sleep until one of my children wakes them up!!

  8. Biscuit the Ridiculous is very unhappy. When everyone was going to school and work she got fed at 0500 and 1700. Now the feeders are sleeping in and the Pavlov triggers without reward are torture.

  9. My 185 # Dane is wanting to go to my bedroom in the middle of the day for some reason and lay in his spot on the floor. Wife lets him in and he’s happy, not wanting to come out when I get home from work. Talk about having his own space. Good luck opening the door if he’s napping in front of it.

  10. Our best friend (cat) the Buds, is beginning to get a wear mark due to the petting on the head.

    HE also got outside today because I had the darn garage door open AFTER having even MORE cleaning out of the garage/basement.

    I got upstairs and saw one of the other cats looking out the window at him and said holy shit, the rascal, he got out.

    I got in trouble for that with the crew!

    He was a star on Critter Sunday once don’t cha-know.


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