Steinem’s Ugly Sexism – IOTW Report

Steinem’s Ugly Sexism

According to iconic “feminist” Gloria Steinem, the only reason young women back Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is because “The boys are with Bernie.”


Gloria, you need to replace “had” with “am.”

While Steinem received plenty of pushback on her observation, that still begs the question of just why young women do support the “Democratic” Socialist?  Are they looking to the old white man to take care of them?


21 Comments on Steinem’s Ugly Sexism

  1. And you’d think, given everything we know now about how babies in the womb feel the act, let along the psychological consequences on women who abort their babies, that Steinam would be considered a sadistic, self-hating cuckoo.

  2. These old “feminist” twats are just pathetic.
    They’ve got no kids, no grandkids, no man.
    Steinem ceased to be relevant forty years ago.
    The old bag’s 81 !! I looked it up.
    Move to Florida, already!

  3. From her wiki, this explains a lot about her mental state.

    “Before Steinem was born, her mother Ruth, then aged 34, had a “nervous breakdown” that left her an invalid, trapped in delusional fantasies that occasionally turned violent.[14] She changed “from an energetic, fun-loving, book-loving” woman into “someone who was afraid to be alone, who could not hang on to reality long enough to hold a job, and who could rarely concentrate enough to read a book.”[14] Ruth spent long periods in and out of sanatoriums for the mentally ill.”

    Gloria also had breast cancer and now has another disease. If you want to know more about her check out her wiki. She did have an abortion when she was 22. She reminds me a little bit of the founder of Planned Parenthood – same mentality.

  4. What illuminati gang sign is that witch flashing? Guess it’s to confirm her allegiance to Satan and proud devotion to child killing. Most millennials elites aren’t that into the death cult aspects of feminism. Steinem is just a nostalgic has been and doesn’t define the new feminist movement. The old crone had to apologize.

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