Stelter Won’t Admit Hunter Laptop Was Legit – IOTW Report

Stelter Won’t Admit Hunter Laptop Was Legit


CNN anchor Brian Stelter on Friday refused to walk back inaccurate claims he promoted on his program when he claimed Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” emails were “Russian disinformation.” More

6 Comments on Stelter Won’t Admit Hunter Laptop Was Legit

  1. Stelter is obviously still discrediting because he is not sure which of the lost Hunter laptops have the pictures of himself getting fisted with a Ball Gag in his mouth.

    That reminds me, I have not watched Dice in a while.

  2. Boy, I bet Putin is kicking himself for “trying so hard to keep Donald Trump in office”. If only he knew what a push-over Joe would be. But then, who could have predicted that?

  3. Never let facts interfere with the narrative: Mendacity 101.
    The potato’s a tool. A talking spud.
    He knows he’s a liar, his viewers know he’s a liar, and his gerbil knows he’s a liar.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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