Steny Hoyer Suffers Stroke – IOTW Report

Steny Hoyer Suffers Stroke

Gateway Pundit

85-year-old Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) suffered a “mild” stroke Sunday night and needed to receive medical treatment, according to his Office’s spokesperson.

Hoyer’s spokesperson, Margaret Mulkerrin, in a press release, wrote, “On Sunday night, August 11, Rep. Steny Hoyer experienced a mild ischemic stroke and sought medical treatment.”

Mulkerrin added, “Mr. Hoyer has responded well to treatment and has no lingering symptoms. He expects to resume his normal schedule next week.”

“Mr. Hoyer’s wife and family extend their deepest thanks to his medical team,” spokesperson Margaret Mulkerrin said in a statement,” concluded Mulkerrin.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, 85, is one of the longest-serving members of Congress and has been in office since 1981. more

27 Comments on Steny Hoyer Suffers Stroke

  1. The following representatives, one senator, and one associate SCOTUS justice have croaked after slandering President Trump:

    – Donald McEachin
    – John Conyers
    – Elijah Cummings
    – John Lewis
    – Sheila Jackson Lee
    – Alcee Hastings
    – Diane Feinstein
    – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Several others have been afflicted, including that Pressley woman (alopecia), and now Hoyer.

    Hey, you miscreants! Stop slandering President Trump. Maybe then the “plague” against you will stop.

  2. “In January, Hoyer surprised many of his colleagues when he opted to seek re-election at the age of 85.”

    “Surprised”? They usually leave in a pine box or wheelchair. Why? Because it’s the greatest gig/scam ever.

    F Congress. Thanks for nothing.

  3. TIA.

    He got lucky and the clot didnt stick.

    He may not be so lucky next time.

    The anticoagulants make you a bleed risk, both internally and externally. Warfarin is essentially rat poison, after all.

    If you dont take the hint to go home and be with the grandkids, they like as not will be gathering for your funeral before too much time has passed…

    …not saying you cant have a few more healthy years.

    Just saying you might get a few more if you maybe dont spend them actively advancing Communism.

    Its better if you let THAT go, for the sake of your remaining health in THIS life…

    …and whatevers left of your soul in the next…

  4. “… is one of the longest-serving members of Congress …”

    “… is one of the more self-serving, dog-in-the-manger, members of Congress …”

    Fixed it for ya!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tony R
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 0:11 at 12:11 am
    “Mr. Hoyer has responded well to treatment and has no lingering symptoms.”

    …I know they lie a lot but this is, at least, plausible. Transient ischemic attacks are, as the name suggests, traĺnsient; the clot blocks, hangs out a minute, then shrugs and moves on. Its really kind of facinating in you see one as it departs and the person goes from a drooling, drooping, dysphonic mess back to complete normalcy, terrefied by what just happened but otherwise undamaged.

    As far as you can see.

    …there’s still a wandering clot though that can end up somewhere else in the brain, heart, lungs or other unsociable places, so its still an emergency that warrants immediate medical attention; also, if you had one you can have more, so a longer term medical stragety to keep that at bay is indicated.

    So in this particular case, its entirely possible they are telling the truth. People can and do quickly and fully recover (outwardly) from this type of incident. God did build some redundancy into the system (see Circle of Willis) that, in conjunction with where a clot is and for how long, may spare a person from a significant infarct.

    But its a warning that all is not well and you may not receive the same mercy the next time if you dont take steps to forestall it.

    This is done, depending on findings, with drugs that impair platelets, drugs that thin blood, and sonetimes surgery, all of which add risks of bleeding inside and out. Probably best then to avoid stress from, say, a political job as much as possible because you want to minimize blood pressure spikes into this system as much as possible, and desperately clinging to power isnt the best way to achieve this.

    Not saying a TIA patient cant have a useful life,

    Just saying that trying to comtinue to forcibly impose your will on people like youre a medieval monarch isnt the best recovery strategy for this particular chronic condition…

  6. Hoyer is a good example of my belief that most people enter politics because they lack a single marketable skill

    Yer Right! Just like Jackass Joe, many, if not most democRATz don’t have the will, talent or background to work in the private sector which is why I maintain that politicians should be subject to the same rules and standards that businesses and corporations are mandated to do such as Background Checks, Drug Testing and capabilitiy evaluations. Think they could pass all that? I doubt it and that’s why they take not only the path of least resistance, but the path that offers them ooh-gobs of Under-The-Table money, perks and graft. Republicans are not immune to this either, it just seems like democRATz have perfected it, adopted it as standard practice!

  7. This mini stroke is the first stop on the express train to hell for this commie, evil piece of shit. The end is near for Hoyer and Satan is rubbing his claws with gleeful anticipation. Next up hopefully is that ancient evil Succubus Pelosi!

  8. You know how some people go overboard decorating their house for Halloween?
    Imagine a front porch lined with decrepit SCARY ZOMBIES, such as:
    Nancy Pelosy, Yertle McConnell
    Shitpants biDumb, Richard Blumenthal
    Stenty Hoyer, Schmuckie Schumer !

    The kiddies would be too scared to step on the porch to get candy!

  9. This mini stroke is the first stop on the express train to hell for this commie, evil piece of shit. The end is near for Hoyer and Satan is rubbing his claws with gleeful anticipation. Next up hopefully is that ancient evil Succubus Pelosi!

  10. @Open the crypt and toss ’em all in there already — LOL! MAGAts will bring their kids all the way from different time zones just to egg and TP the place! It should be glorious!


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