The nature of the Trump foreign policy doctrine, is to hold manipulative influence agents accountable for regional impact(s); and simultaneously work to stop any corrupted influence from oppressing free expression of national values held by the subservient, dis-empowered, people within the nation being influenced.
The need for control is a reaction to fear. President Trump is fearless because he doesn’t seek control, he seeks optimal solutions. There are increasing examples of his doctrine at work.
When President Trump first visited the Middle East, he confronted the international audience with a message about dealing with extremist influence agents. President Trump simply said: “drive them out.” More
Just as the Monroe Doctrine defined the 19th century and the Truman Doctrine defined the 20th, the Trump Doctrine will transform global relations in this century. -Dr. Tar
One ancillary benefit of The Trump doctrine is that individual nations will be shamed into taking more agency in their affairs.
Once they figure out that “sovereignty” requires you to do your own heavy lifting, you must fend for yourself in all its iterations (controlling your borders, providing your own self-defense, having your own autonomous tax and trade policies, and having pride in your own distinct culture). Making whatever country you live in great again can be contagious and of great benefit to the people in it.
The best defense is a good offense. The Democrats and Republican establishment is off their game and in reaction mode. Keep moving, keep advancing. Don’t give them any clue where the next hit is going to come from. Treat them like the run up to D-Day and make their leaders so paranoid and thereby so convinced that they know things that aren’t true that complete and utter chaos results because everyone suspects everyone else of plotting against them.
Speak rudely and hit them with the stick.
America first. I don’t know why Monroe and Truman wouldn’t say it.
Liberal minds are narrow and can’t get around the concept that MAGA, or making American policy to firstly/primarily benefit the U.S., is not a “share of the pie” calculation. More self-interest does not mean less for others, who are, as noted above, looking out for themselves.
In short, most western leaders are absolute pussies when dealing with genuinely strong leaders; so they try to prove their potency by oppressing their own people, usually in the easiest and most pussified way possible, by importing in foreigners to do the abusing and then treating your own native born like criminals for objecting to the abuse.
Western civilization needs strong, patriotic leaders who aren’t obsessed with appeasing identity politics assholes.