Stephen Bannon May Be Guilty of Something the Left Normally Says Doesn’t Exist – IOTW Report

Stephen Bannon May Be Guilty of Something the Left Normally Says Doesn’t Exist

Stephen Bannon May Be Guilty of Voter Fraud. He was registered to vote at a vacant home in Florida.

The Guardian did a little digging and discovered Stephen Bannon, Donald Trump’s new campaign CEO, may be guilty of a bit of felony voter fraud. The Atlantic calls this “particularly embarrassing” because Bannon is currently in charge of a presidential campaign that has been warning of voter fraud and a rigged election. Records show Bannon was, possibly as recently as today, registered to vote at a house in Florida’s Miami-Dade County. Strangely, the house is vacant, and its owner says it’s slated to be demolished. Neighbors say no one has lived there for months. Bannon used to rent the house for his ex-wife to use but never lived there. He was formerly registered at another house in Miami-Dade County that he rented for his ex-wife but where he never lived.\more

7 Comments on Stephen Bannon May Be Guilty of Something the Left Normally Says Doesn’t Exist

  1. I call BS on this. It isn’t fraud unless he also registered somewhere else and the hit piece is conveniently lacking that info. You can live where ever you want and still vote. You don’t have to constantly re register. These same slander story writers tell us how mean it is to demand id to vote… but to move and not reregister is now some huge crime. Yea right.

  2. This is the first issue President Trump needs to address. It is almost all encompassing in as much as the Democrat strategy has revolved around a deliberate and systematic strategy to allow those who are not allowed to vote are casting extra-legal votes in our elections.

    Establishment Republicans are going to fight this every step of the way because they like extra-legal voting too. An extra-legal vote is invariably cast in an effort to consolidate and solidify the incumbent status quo and expand it’s grip over the populace.

    I keep saying it, and Trump is the first candidate who I think is recognizing my frustration with the fact that there is a governing class that not only looks down on the populace, they actively conspire to further entrench those who have, by hook or by crook, move the public towards acceptance that we need to be lead, as opposed to the recognition that those who are entrusted to represent us will take their direction from those of us who actually are making the American experiment work and have a good idea of how they should be voting on the various schemes that come before them.

    If nothing else; I am fed the fuck up with those in power looking to maintain their power over those of us who work to make this country great by building a fortune (regardless of where we are on the ladder) in a way that only wants government to protect our individual families from enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Hey, that is all encompassing and it means leave us the fuck alone unless something threatens our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Goddamn it, that starts with protecting our votes. I could give a fuck less if some third generation of shitfinger parasites cannot get a photo ID. Nothing these pieces of shit has any statistical chance of improving America in the aggregate.

    Yea, the Democrats will trot out the outliers and the establishment will say how do we capitalize in this bullshit. Fuck em all in the ass.

    If you cannot prove you are eligible to vote… Maybe if you have a damn thing to offer you can figure out how to LEGALLY vote in the next election cycle under laws that are already in place.

  3. An investigation found Banon has never voted in Florida.

    As for how he became a registered voter in Florida – that’s worth investigating but Holder and the DOJ filed suit in Florida in 2012 to stop maintenance of voter records claiming it was racist.

  4. Funny how this comes out on the same day that Cankles and Timmah were in Florida doing a voter registration drive. And maybe the Grauniad should look into the methodology by which hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans are being converted into Flofida voters.

    If the Dems are accusing you of doing something wrong, they are doing it 100 times more. Always.

  5. Huma Abedin has been involved with shaping public policy that affects us all for years. She is perilously unqualified to have a security clearance because of her ties to the Musloid Brotherhood as well as her inability to properly handle classified data, yet we’re going to get our knickers in a twist over where Bannon registered to vote?

  6. With the mobilized society we have, I suspect many of us are registered at past residences.

    Having been military associated all 72 years of my life, I have registered in many locations, assuming each new registration nullifies the previous. I have never been asked if I de-registered elswhere.

    The Obama administration stopped Florida, I think, from cleaning up its registration files, which it was doing to clean the dead, moved, or duplicate voters. Why? The liberals love the chaff. Easier corruption of votes, that way.

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