Stephen Colbert Tells DeRacist McKesson That He Can’t Have His Money – IOTW Report

Stephen Colbert Tells DeRacist McKesson That He Can’t Have His Money

Colbert invited the leader of #BlackLivesMatter onto his show and pretty much told him that his movement is in search of a problem that has no remedy.

At one point, discussing what could be done about “white privilege,”  Colbert “jokingly” (he was serious) told him that he’s “not getting his money.”

DeRacist said that “whiteness has to be dismantled.”

Colbert said that he didn’t even understand what he’s talking about. (And this is a libby talking.)

He said, “you’re on the show, isn’t that enough?”

At one point DeRacist says that most people aren’t aware of the legacy of racism in America.

“Legacy” implies the past, no? Something bestowed upon a person. This white only endowment can be cut off by blacks by simply taking advantage of every opportunity that they are afforded now, which is plentiful. What is the legacy blacks have created for themselves?

DeRacist is saying that he’ll never let this country be post-racial. Why would he? This is his business. This is his money-maker.

24 Comments on Stephen Colbert Tells DeRacist McKesson That He Can’t Have His Money

  1. This black lives matter crap is getting old. They only make up around 12% of the population and at least 45% are incarcerated.
    They are way over-represented in TV and advertising and I’m tired of looking at them.

  2. I’m sorry, but i feel a rant coming on:

    WHITE MEN put a WHITE MAN in space and on the moon using slide rules; lead in the paint; lead in the gasoline; everybody smoked cigarettes and the space program brought the country together in a positive way. Today? Technology means NEW PHONE!

    Today, all you see on the news are ANGRY NEGROES expecting their “share.” Just this week the University of Cincinnati gave 6 million dollars to the family of a drug dealer who was shot to death by a policeman as he was trying to drive off with the policeman caught in the guy’s car door. The policeman has been fired, but has not yet been tried. They also have given full scholarships to the idiot’s 12 children. I’ll bet they’re really college material.

  3. I thought they were going to start making out. Why didn’t he tell the fool
    How hard he worked to get where he is. Blacks don’t want to work they want it given to them.

  4. I don’t have a problem with black people in general. I have a problem with their so-called black leaders and the white liberals who enable them. 70% of inner city black children born out of wedlock? Can’t talk about it. The highest percentage of abortions? Can’t talk about it. Inner city violence? Can’t talk about it. High unemployment rate? Must shovel more benefits that direction. High crime rate? Must be the fault of racist police officers. But like the Alcoholics Anonymous program, you cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge the problem.

    We elected a black President, yet race relations are worse than I can remember even as a kid during the civil rights movement. White America owes black America an equal opportunity – nothing more, nothing less. I want black America to seize that opportunity; it helps blacks, it helps whites, and it benefits everyone. But the gains in race relations from 1965 to present are being erased by our current crop of “progressive” liberals.

  5. OK, I’m as guilty as anyone here because I use the term “black” as shorthand for “black culture” and I really ought not to do that. I’m a culturist as distinct from a racist. There are many racially white people whom I despise, and many racially black people whom I admire and respect.

    But the black mostly urban culture, the violent “gangsta” lifestyle devoid of self-respect or respect for anybody else for that matter, the culture depicted in the uglier rap music, and the mentality of entitlement, victimhood, and reparations demands, has made me indifferent (at best) or totally antagonistic (at worst) to members of that culture and especially to all of the professional race-baiters of whatever skin color.

    So, I don’t know which contributor here is hardest-working half-black one, and I don’t care that he/she is because that contributor, as are all contributors here, is not a member of the black culture that I reject.

  6. I grew up in the last stages of the segregated South. My second year of school we we all combined. My family did not own slaves or at least the family members I knew born POST War Between the States. There are no African Americans…we are all Americans and the black folks need to quit begging for free shit.

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