Stephen Hawking Died And Has Been Replaced – IOTW Report

Stephen Hawking Died And Has Been Replaced

As far as conspiracy theories go, this one isn’t too bad.

HT/ FDR in Hell

Miles Mathis– I have written several papers critiquing Stephen Hawking, including a long one on his Brave New World series for the BBC. But this is my first paper really linking my science research with my faked events research.

I will use simple photo analysis and facial analysis to quickly show you the current Stephen Hawking is not the same person as the original Stephen Hawking. This should not surprise you too much, especially if you know something about ALS. ALS is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. We are told Hawking has had ALS for over 52 years, which is a record by many decades.

Jason Becker is the only person I have heard of who has lived more than 20 years with the disease, so there is about a three-decade difference between the longest survivor and the second longest survivor. That is a more than 100% difference between first and second place. It would be like Justin Gatlin running the 100 meters in 9.8 seconds, and Usain Bolt beating him with a time of 4.5 seconds. In other words, statistically it doesn’t happen. The average survival time for ALS is four years.

When Hawking was first diagnosed in 1963, doctors gave him two years to live. And yet here we are, 52 years later and counting. Should you believe it? Well, no. Like Becker, it appears the real Hawking did beat the odds and live for about 20 years. But at some point he was replaced. I have no proof he died, but I assume that is why they replaced him. He was a very useful public relations entity for physics, and they didn’t want to lose him.



28 Comments on Stephen Hawking Died And Has Been Replaced

  1. This is crazy!….soooo, you mean that I could have been a star on the Big Bang Theory and all I needed to do was drool more, walk less and fetch cheerios with my laundry picker….

  2. I read and saw the pics at the link. I have to say, he sounds compelling on his theory and has pictures to back it up. I also see that Mathis is a prolific conspiracy theorists as well. Sounds plausible to me though, because he’s right about the ALS, one does not live as long as Hawking has – no way with ALS. My friends husband only last 3 years.

  3. That is a piece of weirdness. I don’t know what to make of his theory, but one thing did stand out to me; his ears and nose have not grown much in the last 50 years. There is only one other person on the planet known to have survived longer than a few years – a musician named Jason Becker.

    I lost two friends to ALS. Both in their 50s, both gone in two year’s time.

  4. Same nose and chin. The hair and eyebrows are changed by dye. Non -brassy blonde can be store bought. The teeth? Come on, he’s British. No good dentistry there. lol.
    Can’t explain the shape of that head, though.

  5. This has to be one of the weirdest sites in existence! Thoroughly “researched” and completely “credible” since it doesn’t appear to rely on extraterrestrial greys for evidence. It’s a weird, weird, weird world out there.

  6. It bears repeating:

    Hollywood used up a series of Lassies.

    The handlers and managers may be on their 3rd or 4th ” Stephen Hawking@” by now.

  7. I dunno. Looks like the same guy to me. The problem with Hawking is that he has ventured into areas well beyond his expertise and knowledge- such as climate, space travel, mass colonization of exoplanets that haven’t even been discovered. He is worshipped as a science god, when he is a specialist.

  8. Kinda makes sense. Big globally at wheel out the “smartest man in the world” and have him make bold statements like” “The world will end up like Venus if we don’t participate in the Paris accords”, or last year’s message, “Humanity is doomed unless we start mark a plan to leave the Earth”, or the year before, “Stop sending messages into outer space or you’ll be sorry when it reaches the wrong aliens who will wipe us out”. Could this be connected to Globalists wanting to direct efforts into other big business schemes of their own. If the the smartest guy in the world says it, it must be true right?

  9. If this guy moves on from theoretical physics (which he might consider he ain’t doing so good right now), he might be able to rotate in as a co-host at The View or an anchor @ msnbc.

  10. I knew a plumber who knew boxing stats back to the ’40s (he boxed Golden Gloves in his youth) but was a piss-poor plumber. Every – EVERY – time he set up a ladder, he had to re-arrange it 4 times to be able to work – and every – EVERY – time he put the pipe wrench on backwards (jaws in the wrong direction) and would shout “Just Sizing!” and laugh.

    Just cuz you know something doesn’t mean you know everything. No matter how smot ya is!

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Does ALS deform the bones of the face or skull? If not, use facial recognition software on the photographs (like I’d wanted done on all those pictures of Bin Laden)

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