Stephy Stephanopoulos accuses Pence of ‘mansplaining’ – IOTW Report

Stephy Stephanopoulos accuses Pence of ‘mansplaining’

The term “mansplaining” is a self-loathing expression when used by a man. But Stephanopoulos can use it, because he’s not a man. He’s a collection of fashionable admonitions wafting within a tailored suit, topped by a Casey Kassem doo.

Did it never occur to this little bitch that offering his take on where the debate went hinky, to a group of women, is, by his definition, “mansplaining”?

Even the leftwing women thought Stephy’s observation was ridiculous.

Is this going to be the new leftwing shield? One can never interrupt a woman, lest they be accused of an ism?

Also, it was my observation last night that Harris was the condescending one, explaining what “debt” meant and giving “history lessons” and explaining she was the only one on the stage that ever prosecuted anyone.

ht/ rose

24 Comments on Stephy Stephanopoulos accuses Pence of ‘mansplaining’

  1. Other media commentators were complaining that Pence wasn’t dynamic enough. One way or another they were going to ding the VP what ever his demeanor was during the debate.

  2. As predicted, the Commission on Presidential Debates is trying to switch to a “virtual debate” to give Dementia Joe an opportunity to read his answers off a teleprompter. It’s a rigged system.

  3. Mansplaining is just the wimp’s way of saying, “Shut up”. It was probably invented by a manipulative control freak female who hates herself. Her idea of a man is someone who slobbers at her feet and begs for her approval like a dog.

    Give me a toxic manly man any day. He can mansplain to me all he wants!

  4. And once again, the moderator was obviously biased. WhenTF are Rs going to demand that someone be picked that can be tough to both sides?

    Pence had to defend lies and Harris was not once challenged by Page. Didn’t anyone ring the RNC’s bell when the DC news bureau chief for USA TODAY was picked? Are they idiots?

    All in all, I thought Mike’s calm demeanor was a winner.

    Besides, I want to meet anyone who can say, Uhhh, I’m still undecided. That person doesn’t exist and unless Pence had whipped out the old sausage and asked Cameltoe to take a gander, that debate didn’t get a soul to switch sides.

  5. George and his wife and two daughters cried for forty-five minutes in their car after he divulged the death of the Noxious RBG to them. Mansplain that, you little Clinton, Obama, Clinton Obiden handmaiden!

  6. Stephanapologist – I know I have heard that name from somewhere before. Let me think. Oh yeah, it had something to do with the Two Clintons Crime Family. Wait. why am I even bothering trying to xxxsplain that to this crowd? We all know

  7. By the way, Stephanie Timms , Patricia Powell, Harris, and Allen Seybert: I made over $12,500 a month by getting an education and working my ass off for 40 years. Try it sometime.

  8. “Give me a toxic manly man any day. He can mansplain to me all he wants!”

    Yes, YES, Claudia! EXACTLY! I ADORE mansplaining. It makes me hot, especially if I can bat my eyelashes back at the guy and respond breathlessly “Do you really think so?”, thereby encouraging him to mansplain some more.

    Ladies, they’re trying to take all the fun out of vive la difference, and Margot is most unhappy about it! 😡

  9. Claudia, you simply MUST do a post on “In Praise of Toxic Masculinity”. Perhaps you did before I got here, but if you didn’t, have at it. It would be such fun. If you give me a heads up, I’ll be sure to be on line when you do, and be an active participant, an agent provocateur. (I think you have access to my email addy, right?) Plus it would be a morale booster for the guys. (I hope).

  10. Margot, I’ll work on it. Might be delayed; have so much yardwork to finish before the evil snow starts flying. Will let you know.

    Thanks for the suggestion; the guys WILL love it!


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