I was watching the Mystery Science Theater 3000 regulars take apart a Steve Reeve’s sword and Sandal flick, “The Giant of Marathon” and wondered if about Reeve’s background. Given that he did so many Italian Greek Hero type films I figured Reeve’s was the Americanized version of his native Italian name. Nope, he was born and raised in Montana before serving in the Army in WWII (deployed to The Philippines) and getting his big break in Italian movies in the late 50s early 60s. Here

I was reading on his Wikipedia page that all of Reeve’s dialogue in his foreign movies were dubbed, which had me wonder if he had a goofy voice or something. That sent me looking for old clips where his actual voice was used, landing me on this charming banter with Gracy Allen giving muscle man Reeves all he can handle of her famed “illogical logic” routine. Watch
I’m switching between the hockey playoff and Jason and the Argonauts on TCM. I’m a big Ray Harryhausen fan.
Jason and the Argonauts was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid back in the 60’s. Especially fighting the skeleton men. It was one of Ray Harry hausen’s best stop action animation movies ever.
I’ve been lifting weights for ever I think. At one point in time I was the big fish in most ponds. Was kinda getting burned out, had a health issue and lost most of the muscle, and now I’m a fanatic again. But more germane to this discussion I’m a student of the theology of how to build muscle.
In his day, Reeves was amazing. The understanding of how to build muscle was in it’s infancy. Today Reeves would be just another guy in the gym.
Next came Sergio Olivia and the introduction of chemical enhancement. Commonly know as steroids.
Then Arnold who was totally chemically built. Today guy are achieving remarkable things steroid free with advanced training methods. All things considered, I much prefer the Steve Reeves day. And oh by the way, what a way for a kid from Montana to make a damn good living.
One more thing, that asshole Alan Ritchson who got instant fame playing the part of Jack Reacher trains his ass off to be as muscular as possible. The libtards ladies love him and so do the fags. Dude came out anti Christian and a total lib. Steve Reeves would blow this guy away. Genetics are everything.
Brad, I was disgusted to hear Alan Ritchson was an asshole.
He does a good job in the YouTube clips I’ve seen.
Another reason actors need to just shut the fuck up & act.
I have been reading the Lee Child ‘Reacher’ series and I love the books.
Well written, stoic, possession-less, & badass character who often gets the girl and drinks LOTS of coffee…
As for bodybuilders, Larry Scott was the first I ever met in person.
He was at the local Allied Sporting Goods for a Q & A, meet.
I was young then and meeting him was pretty cool.
BTW, I still do the Scott Press for shoulders.
Keeping the elbows locked helps me isolate the delts and prevent injury.
Man, Steve talks like he has marbles in his mouth. No wonder they dubbed him.
“Man, Steve talks like he has marbles in his mouth. No wonder they dubbed him.”
You should post a picture of your manly body.I guess not huh?
I liked his voice and Gracy Allen was a genius.
Dr. Tar, I agree. That was cute! 😂
Has the same deep voice as Stallone .. but much deepah den Ah-nold
I started lifting even before Brad .. that is, if Nov 1967 can be said to be before Brad started. I had just turned twelve. My first (cheat) bench was 75 lbs. I can still remember the day I “exploded” from 80 lbs to 90 lbs, for that was the day I became a man ;-D
The effect on me was incredible. I went from 5’4 and 130 at start of 7th grade to 5’10 and 175 at start of 8th grade. At age 14, I was 6’1″ This made me the tallest of 5 brothers, even though I was the youngest. The increase in height can probably be partially attributed to the release of excess Human Growth Hormone, which is one result of working out.
By senior year, I weighed 215 and employed every known way of cheating to “bench press” 330. I played OT on a team that “reached”* the State Finals. I didn’t make any All State teams, but I’m sure I was one of the Top ten offensive linemen in the State. And yes, because of this, some classmates really did call me Lennie, but it was all in good fun … I think
Later on, when I was in my early Forties, I went completely crazy on the weights, and armed with complete knowledge about how to build muscle I built up to 235 lbs. At one point I had an upper arm that measured 18 3/4 inches. I never went for max weights, but I lifted abusive, never caring about proper form
As a consequence, I gave myself a scorching case of prostate cancer, which was yreated just in the nick of time. Then came open heart from the build up of all saturated facts from all the excess protein I had to consume. And finally, I now have back problems which hobble me. In short, I broke my body. Although I have remedied the damage somewhat
*(I leave it up to you to figure out if we won ;-D)
Callmelennie , What’s wrong about being called Lennie ? It’s a nice name and I for one like to read your comments and am happy that you nipped that prostrate cancer in the bud . So great that you caught it early!
I don’t recall knowing any Argonauts