Steve Scalise Opens Up About Shooting Ahead Of Congressional Baseball Game [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Steve Scalise Opens Up About Shooting Ahead Of Congressional Baseball Game [VIDEO]


House Majority Whip Steve Scalise opened up Wednesday about what he went through after a gunman opened fire one year ago while Republican congressmen were practicing for the annual congressional baseball game.

“I remember just not being able to move. I knew I had been hit, I just didn’t know how bad it was,” the Louisiana representative explained in a clip that will air in full Thursday on “CBS This Morning.”   more here

2 Comments on Steve Scalise Opens Up About Shooting Ahead Of Congressional Baseball Game [VIDEO]

  1. Guns are like voting. Both are constitutionalism rights and citizens be they smart or libtarded they can vote and buy a gun. Except in the latter only if they can pass a background check.

    That is how bad politicians get re-elected again and again; there is no screening process on who can vote. Why can’t we insist there be background checks on those who want to vote? Nothing unconstitutional mind you- you just have to be able to pass the same background check to buy a gun to vote.

    Just a thought.


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