“Steve” The Security Robot Drowned In D.C. Pool – IOTW Report

“Steve” The Security Robot Drowned In D.C. Pool

In an apparent suicide, “Steve,” a security robot who was on patrol at a D.C. office building, was found Tuesday morning floating in a nearby fountain. While many are making light of what happened to the Knightscope K5 unit, I have my suspicions that the victim here is two shots to the head short of being another Clinton associate about to turn state evidence against the Foundation.


An unofficial memorial to the fallen robotic watchman was quickly organized near the site of the accident. Here

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16 Comments on “Steve” The Security Robot Drowned In D.C. Pool

  1. The brilliant people who ordered the robot should have walked his patrol route initially. to see what might happen and plan accordingly. Dummies are to blame, not the robot!

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