Steve Tyler Demands Trump Stop Using His Songs at Rallies – IOTW Report

Steve Tyler Demands Trump Stop Using His Songs at Rallies


Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler is demanding President Donald Trump stop using the band’s songs at rallies, like the one held at the Charleston Civic Center in West Virginia on Tuesday (August 21). The band’s 1993 hit “Livin’ on the Edge” was played as Trump devotees entered the venue, which has a capacity of 13,500. Tyler has in turn sent a “cease and desist” letter through his attorney Dina LaPolt to the White House accusing the President of willful infringement in broadcasting the song, which was written by Tyler, Joe Perry, Mark Hudson.

Citing the Lanham Act, which prohibits “any false designation or misleading description or representation of fact … likely to cause confusion … as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with another person,” Tyler’s attorney contends that playing an Aerosmith song in a public arena gives the false impression that Tyler is endorsing Trump’s presidency.

It has come to our attention that President Donald J. Trump and/or The Trump Organization
(collectively, “Mr. Trump”) have been using our client’s song “Livin’ On The Edge” in
connection with political rally events (the “Rallies”), including at an event held yesterday at the
Charleston Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia on August 21, 2018. As expressly outlined
in the Previous Letters, Mr. Trump does not have our client’s permission to use any of our
client’s music, including “Livin’ On The Edge”.

What makes this violation even more egregious is that Mr. Trump’s use of our client’s music
was previously shut down, not once, but two times, during his campaign for presidency in 2015.
Please see the Previous Letters sent on behalf of our client attached here as Exhibit A. Due to
your receipt of the Previous Letters, such conduct is clearly willful, subjecting Mr. Trump to the
maximum penalty under the law.

As we have made clear numerous times, Mr. Trump is creating the false impression that our
client has given his consent for the use of his music, and even that he endorses the presidency of
Mr. Trump. By using “Livin’ On The Edge” without our client’s permission, Mr. Trump is
falsely implying that our client, once again, endorses his campaign and/or his presidency, as
evidenced by actual confusion seen from the reactions of our client’s fans all over social media.
This specifically violates Section 43 of the Lanham Act, as it “is likely to cause confusion, or to
cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with
another person.”

Further, as we have also made clear, Mr. Trump needs our client’s express written permission in
order to use his music. We demanded Mr. Tyler’s public performance societies terminate their
licenses with you in 2015 in connection with “Dream On” and any other musical compositions
written or co-written by Mr. Tyler. As such, we are unaware of any remaining public
performance license still in existence which grants Mr. Trump the right use his music in
connection with the Rallies or any other purpose. If Mr. Trump has any such license, please
forward it to our attention immediately.

In addition, Mr. Tyler’s voice is easily recognizable and central to his identity, and any use 
thereof wrongfully misappropriates his rights of publicity. Mr. Trump does not have any right to
use the name, image, voice or likeness of our client, without his express written permission.

The DNC can use some Aerosmith songs. These would be very appropriate-

Ream On

I Don’t Want to Miss a Tax

Dude Looks Like one of the 94 Genders

(They can use one about Trump)  Tweet Commotion

(Here’s one they won’t be using) #Walk Away

53 Comments on Steve Tyler Demands Trump Stop Using His Songs at Rallies

  1. As I understand it, if a piece of music is put out there for public use and licensing fees are paid, then the artist has no say as to ow it is used. That is the significance of some artists not allowing their music to be licenced.

    Roy Orbison had sued a porno movie producer for using “Pretty Woman.” Orbison lost because he had licensed the song. Once you do that, you lose control of it — just as long as you get paid.

  2. Trumps a guy that could do no wrong, everyone wanted to be seen with him he was universally popular………..then he entered politics and made mince meat out of a wretched crook that was popular with the brain dead left.

  3. It must suck to be in a band that got most of it’s money not from album sales, but from a video game.. That’s right, most people got stuck with Aerosmith when they purchased Guitar Hero, rather than making a deliberate Aerosmith purchase. Maybe Trump was broadcasting sound from Guitar Hero and not directly from an Aerosmith album.

  4. Another form of censorship. If the music is licensed, pay the royalty and play the music.
    Mis-appropriation was being bantied about, not too long ago. This is just a distortion of that hogwash. It is evolving. Well, maybe mutating is a better term.
    If I used fakebook, I imagine I’d probably get ready for the day when it will tell everyone what they can wear and are allowed to do, and then who they are supposed to be. The way things are going, that might be next Tuesday.

  5. As I recall, back in the late 80s/early 90s, the Pretenders had a shit hemorrhage over Rush Limbaugh using their song My City was gone as his theme. He had paid all license fees, and the Pretenders couldn’t do squat.

  6. If tyler doesn’t like it, and he is at a Trump rally, maybe he could kneel or something.
    I heard somewhere that some people are doing that with songs they don’t like.

  7. This is the greatest act of kindness Tyler ever did.
    That he would voluntarily spare us from suffering through any of the schlock he produced under the guise of music is downright merciful.

    Thanks Stevie.

    You and your band always sucked royally and were perpetrated on the nation by weasels from the music industry. A group even more slimy than you.

    President Trump, revoke his suckurity clearance.

  8. I was never a big Aerosmith fan, so Trump would be doing me a favor by pulling the song. But my guess is that Tyler isn’t in charge of licensing (this isn’t particularly unusual – a lot of groups no longer own the rights to their own songs), so there probably isn’t much he can do about it.

    This can actually get complicated. My favorite is when John Fogarty was sued for allegedly plagarizing his own song.

  9. Damn…. everybody is packin’ plastic spoons for this fight except MJ who walked into the thread with a nitro powered chainsaw in each hand.

    Can we go on a date together and just spend the whole night ripping on people?

  10. The same BS happens to Rush Limbaugh. Hey you want to control who uses your music don’t put it up for availability and then bitch when someone you don’t like personally pays and uses it. Aerosmith sucks anyway.

  11. Steven Tyler is an ephebophole who got guardianship of a teenage girl in the 70s so that he could travel with her across state lines. He then knocked her up and forced her to have an abortion. He is a degenerate POS.

  12. Steven Tyler is an ephebophile who got guardianship of a teenage girl in the 70s so that he could travel with her across state lines. He then knocked her up and forced her to have an abortion. He is a degenerate POS.

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