Steven Crowder Makes a Fool of Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Steven Crowder Makes a Fool of Barack Obama

Crowder tests the “gun show loophole.”

Funny, informative, and should be sent to a knobhead progressive near you.

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11 Comments on Steven Crowder Makes a Fool of Barack Obama

  1. I like Crowder. He gets his point across in a biting, satirical manner that LibTards hate. After all, their funny bones have been removed at birth.

    The only thing I wish Crowder had done was to blur out the faces and storefront names of those gun dealers expressing contempt for our Kenyan Communist Moslem-In-Chief. The Fedl Gummint has become so politicized that you can bet that BATF will be “paying a friendly visit” to each of these gun dealers soon.

  2. Surprising enough, I’ve found that out in the corn (in state private transfer), it is fairly easy to buy a gun without a background check, 4473 or an FFL.

    However, these are good ol’ boys and I can fully guarantee you that Oranjello won’t be included in one of these transactions.

    As a note, wherever I’ve seen this take place, I have intervened. You know how embarrassing it is to stop an auctioneer in front of 150 people? Luckily 4-5 guys in crowd backed me up. I only said something for their own good. Plus I was hoping to devalue the auction a bit to give me a fighting chance at winning it. hehe!

  3. Why can’t the media and the experts and those who clamor for gun control, get it through
    their fucking minds that you cannot buy an “Automatic” rifle or pistol in the US legally, background check or no background check.
    Those types of weapons can only be acquired ILLEGALLY! WTF!

  4. Yes you can legally buy a machine gun (automatic rifle or pistol).
    I know people who own them, and taking your kids to a free state and renting one so that they can experience it is a high point in life.
    There are, sadly, states that do not recognize the constitution, and if you happen to be in one, well, it sucks in more ways than just not being able to buy a machine gun.

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