Stevie Wonder is moving to Ghana – IOTW Report

Stevie Wonder is moving to Ghana

Trending Views: The biggest pianist we know, Stevie Wonder, says he’s moving permanently to another country. It was all revealed during an interview with Oprah Winfrey when he let it slip out that he was moving to Ghana.

Winfrey shockingly asked if it was permanent.

Wonder said yes.

61 Comments on Stevie Wonder is moving to Ghana

  1. so …. he doesn’t like life in the US under the 3rd Obama Regime?

    do ya blame him? … gas is already rising along w/ food, stock market going down, little to no growth … etc., etc., etc …

    another D’rat Regressive Utopia where they continue to rape the middle class to aggrandize themselves on the backs of the gullible poor & willing dupes

  2. Don’t forget to renounce your citizenship and let us know when you get settled in Ghana. I guess this is all bluff like all the rest of the celebs that are still here that promised to move. Wind bag.

  3. Wait…what happened to “Ebony and Ivory living together in perfect harmony side by side” on his piano keyboard?

    You Ghana have to get rid of them rayciss white keys, Stevie.

    Of course that could create A minor problem.

  4. Water closets doo. And how will poor Stevie know that he’s really in Ghana since he’s blind? Will someone trick him and send him to Ethiopia or Somalia and tell him that he’s in Ghana. Maybe we should send him with the Squad to go with him as a guide. It’s raining, it’s pouring, Stevie is snoring, he went to bed and bumped his head and woke up in Ghana in the morning.

  5. I’m sure he has an entourage of parasites and leeches that have their blind cash cow hooked up to the milking machine.

    It’s terrible out there Stevie. Racism is everywhere.

    Take them all with you and have everyone renounce their citizenship.

    Like Cosby, there are probably a lot of women wanted to meet him backstage and who’ve “passed out” around him and woke up with their underwear on backwards. Would not be surprised if his whole entourage procures him whatever he’s looking for.

  6. Think about all the Hollywood elites in 2016 who said they would leave the country if Trump was elected, but didn’t.

    Now here we are, just over one month into Biden’s administration, and a Grammy-winning musician is actually leaving the country. For Ghana.

  7. I couldn’t see the video – the link wanted me to pay $2 to join. From what I can see though, I can’t blame him – he doesn’t want to live in Biden’s America anymore either!

  8. I for one am happy to see someone threaten to leave the country and then do it. This would have meant more if Trump were still in office, but still—well done!
    Now take Springsteen with you.

  9. I remember the time that a nice Jewish fellow named Abe decided to share some of his unlevened bread with Stevie. Trying to figure out what it was, Stevie felt one side of it, turned it over and felt the other side, then shook his head and asked Abe: “Who wrote this shit?”

  10. I fully support Little Stevie Wonder “Back to Africa” Movement!

    But the truth is if he didn’t have the money he does he would NEVER move to Ghana. You and I both know it. His moving to Ghana is a “act of privilege.”

    B.A.M. = Back to Africa Movement
    I’m support it.

  11. Good residence to bad rubbish and take Orca Winfrey with ya. Here’s a little History lesson for Steverino. Ghana was very active in the slave trade before the Europeans came for a visit. Talk about injustice.

    “Slavery existed in Africa prior to the transatlantic trade, and in fact the earlier, trans-Saharan slave trade sent more enslaved Africans east to the Muslim world, over many centuries, than would be transported west to the Americas.”

    Maybe he can look up his ancestors who captured and sold slaves to the Euros and the muzzies.

  12. Ghana has nice weather, good food & beer, and a very low-keyed life style. They speak English there and people are generally warm and friendly. It is not a bad place by most measures. Many old “Africa hands” from the Foreign Services and development community retire there.

    On my second morning in Accra, the driver who was picking me up was passing out from Malaria. When I got to my office, the secretary\receptionist was just leaving as she, too, had come down with Malaria. While the US imports many high-quality medical professionals from Ghana, the local health system leaves much to be desired due, in part, to that brain-drain. This would be my number one concern before relocating to Costa Rica, The Philippines, or any other retirement paradise.

  13. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ:
    I know what you mean about prices. Six months ago gas here was hovering around $2/gal. – it’s up to $2.75 now. Told my wife the other day that it felt like 0bama was Preezy again…I guess s/he is!

  14. When you’re finally in Ghana, Steve, you should take a meeting with a descendant of the tribe that raided your ancestors village and sold them into slavery

    Shouldn’t be too hard. They’re everywhere in Ghana

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