Sticker on Truck – IOTW Report

Sticker on Truck


14 Comments on Sticker on Truck

  1. I recently got a new truck with a huge tailgate on it and have been trying to figure out a wrap to cover it. Not a sticker or a magnet, I mean full size professionally installed vinyl wrap.

    The truck is super white, so I kind of like this one. She would be dead center with the flames coming up from the bottom of the tailgate all the way across.

    Since this would be a wrap, images suck as this could cover the entire tailgate.

    Maybe we could have a contest, someone could design it and send me a hi res image?

  2. The owner of that pre-0bama truck [which can travel nearly 800 miles on one tank of gas and has no annoying seat belt buzzer, and still uses the leftist-head-exploding R-12 refrigerant that works so much better than that new crap, etc, etc…] is waiting to hear back from One Cowboy’s Stand For Freedom before offering to print more. If they say they want the graphic, it will be given to them with any and all rights. They need money for legal fees and other matters. If they don’t want the graphic, I would be glad to print them or offer the image so others can have them printed.

    That 12″x 12″ sticker only cost $10 to have printed. Magnets were $30, the sticker doesn’t come off. It can be easily read by anybody in line behind at a stoplight.

    The printer didn’t know anything about the ambush story until he was asked to print this. He put some time in on Google Search, out of curiosity, and now he’s another voice against this corrupt government. So it’s good to know that the sticker was already getting the word out before it was even placed on the truck. Hope that continues.

    You guys probably know who I am. The corrupt feds are going to have to do their homework to find out. If I can keep those bastards busy for any length of time, that’s less time they will have to be setting up ambushes for innocent constitution-believing, law-abiding, citizens who expose their evil corruption.

    You can donate to the Finicum family legal fund, or order LaVoy’s book, Only By Blood And Suffering, Regaining Lost Freedom, here:

  3. LaVoy Finicum was a fine man and a patriot. His mistake was to express his displeasure of our government when a Left-Wing Muslim-loving socialist was our president. He should have known it was not going to end well, but he did it anyway. I would caution anyone not to follow his lead, it will not end any better.

    You don’t do what LaVoy did when any Big Government loving person is president. No, you vote for someone who will whittle down the Federal government to a chew-able size. You have a chance to do that this cycle. Take this opportunity, because there won’t be another one.

    The BLM and USFS land grab is not the end, it is the means. These lands should NOT be managed, even by the states, they should be managed by the counties in which they exist. THAT is local control. Don’t doubt me.

  4. Lets see he was armed, wanted for committing felonies, just ran away from a police stop and tried to crash a baracade to get away from the police. He was told to stay in the car and choose to run out screaming like a mad man and while doing this in plain sight of armed police reached for something in his pocket where his gun was. Sounds innocent to me…

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