Stickers – IOTW Report


21 Comments on Stickers

  1. LocoBlancoSaltine MARCH 13, 2022 AT 1:40 AM
    “Fucking Putin caused fruits from border country MEXICO prices to SKYROCKET!”

    …easy answer: require each illegal immigrant to carry fruits with them as a price of entry.

    No trucks required so no fuel required.

    If each one brings one, you’ll have MILLIONS of limes in no time…

  2. With some input from Mr. Hat, I believe Burr and Uncle Al’s marketing schemes could come to fruition with stickers.
    The “I Just Suck” Harris stickers are going for $5.99 EACH!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Had to make my Sunday expedition to Wally World today to mingle with all of the meth heads & welfare frauds. My last item on the list was protein bars. Not a single box to be had, big surprise. But, some glorious wit had plastered the shelves with the Biden “I did that!” stickers. One of the stockers that I know told me they don’t even bother removing them anymore, as they are always put back in a day or two. Viva La Revolution!!!

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