Still Gonna Buy Martha Stewart Merchandise? – IOTW Report

Still Gonna Buy Martha Stewart Merchandise?

43 Comments on Still Gonna Buy Martha Stewart Merchandise?

  1. In review, Martha’s a snotty bitch, a loathsome creep, and a jealous dumbass.

    Will those gang signs get her new customers for her cookware among the Dindu Nuffin tribesmen?

  2. I’ll giver a pass on the “felon” business. It was only for lying to a feddle agent and since those goons are allowed to lie to us, we mundanes should be not be criminals for lying to them unless under oath.

    But I’ve never been a fan of Stewart’s, and so my buying habits will remain unchanged: $0/yr.

  3. She’s a creep from way back. Her crap is sold at Michaels and Joann’s craft stores. I don’t buy them. They’re considered ‘prestige’ items and are not part of the discount coupon deals. Most of her stuff ends up in the clearance section anyway, which would explain that outfit she’s wearing.

  4. I think I read her stuff is sold at KMart.

    So yes, flashing gang signs may be what her “clientele” expects.

    As a Felon she can’t even vote. So just FOAD, crunt.

  5. She’s a convicted felon. Gives me a certain amount of smug satisfaction knowing that although she wouldn’t vote for Trump, she couldn’t vote for Hillary, either. Heh-heh.

  6. @Uncle Al May 8, 2017 at 11:30 am

    > we mundanes should be not be criminals for lying to them unless under oath

    But how should we feel about being as least dishonest as possible?

  7. I watched an episode of their show just to see what the mix was like. It’s has to be one of the dumbest things I ever saw. Neither of them looked comfortable with Snoop looking around for the exit to get away from this crazy chuck and the crazy chuck in question seemingly wondering how her career could have spiraled down this far. They are not happy together and the show just stinks. It doesn’t help when Snoop’s homeboys show up looking like they’re packing and wanting to pull out some weed or the glass pipes to alleviate the frustration of not being able to work over white people there. What a failure.

  8. Always thought she could have done some shows on prison topics. She could have decorated her cell, had recipes for those huge pots with oars for spoons, and demonstrated designer prison tattoos for example.

  9. What MJA said. Why pay 10 times the price for glitter because Barfa has her name on it?

    I admit to buying her towels a decade or more ago, however, the quality quickly went down hill. At one time they were good quality and now they are the same kind of crap as Cannon which hasn’t been made in the US for ages.

    BTW, many of her her recipes don’t work. Who the heck needs 24 carat gold leaf on a cookie?

  10. @Anonymous – I will refuse to talk to any fed agent without my lawyer at my side plus permission to record the interview. Since the feds never, as far as I’m aware, allow recording this means I’ll never talk to a fed except to say, “Talk to my lawyer. Goodbye.”

  11. @Uncle Al,
    Answer every question with Name, Rank, and Socialist Security Number.
    No lies. No lawyers. No information.

    For example: “Tim, Retired Plumber, xxx-xx-1234”

    After a couple of hours they’ll get the picture (this is assuming that they don’t beat the fuck outta you or kill you).

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Eugenia – Right??? LMAO
    Here’s how she does her ‘cooking’ show, for those who don’t know…
    “Now, before I even start thinking about making these simple yet visually complex looking tarts, I’m going to get my ingredients an supplies ready. I’ll just grab any old Waterford crystal bowl and my trusty Cuna Indian wooden spoon out from my 16th century Dutch cabinet. Here, I have 4 cups of Himalayan quinoa flour, but you can substitute this flour with any basic flour from the mountain region of Siam, if necessary… Now, I will continue this recipe after our break. Be sure to hang around because in our next segment, you’ll learn a crafty way to keep common folk away from your valuables.”

  13. She used to being a pretty lady everyone paid attention to. These days she isn’t even considered MILF material.

    Now her bangs continue to grow even further down her face as she tries to hide her crow’s feet and furrowed brow. Soon she’ll look like a Sheep Dog.

    Is that too misogynist, ageist, and speciest?

  14. If Martha thinks that pandering to the blacks and woke millennials is going to pull her perfectly baked biscotti out of the fire, she is in for a surprise trip to the wasteland of irrelevance.

  15. Trebeck: Martha, Snoop, and Trump

    Do4: What are two jail birds and a conservative billionaire?

    I’ll stand with Trump. Still not tired of winning.

    Let’s call this exhibit:

    “Artful Irony”

    Martha is everything the left accuses Trump of. A lying, cheating, money grubber who deserved going to jail.

  16. Stick some of those onions and peppers up your butt, Marty.
    If your head fills that void, then stick ’em up your puckered love-canal.

    Too harsh? Then, leave out the onions.

  17. For the sake of honesty, I am forced to admit to having purchased a Martha Stewart product and must highly endorse it for its quality and durability. It is the Martha Stewart cat litter box scooper marketed under her brand name through PetSmart stores. In truth, it has outlasted several higher-priced industrial-strength models that I have had in the past. Oh, and I can chuckle a little every time I scoop up a hot, sloppy “steamer” with her name prominently displayed on the handle.

  18. Martha Stewart oozes with the stench of sexual desperation. Unable to even attempt to age gracefully, she dresses in inappropriate, skanky apparel so tight you can read her zip code. I’ll bet her grand babies are proud of her. She is pathetic.

    And, yes, I did cancel my subscription.

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