Still Think Jake Tapper Is Not an Abject Moron? – IOTW Report

Still Think Jake Tapper Is Not an Abject Moron?

“We Have Not Seen Such A Thing Happen In America” – Jake Tapper speaking about terror attacks.

Maybe Jake Tapper has been bebrained – that’s a version of beheading where they only cut out the brain- by terrorists?

Or maybe his toupee is leeching dangerous chemicals?

This moron thinks there has been no Muslim attacks in America.

He really, really thinks that.



23 Comments on Still Think Jake Tapper Is Not an Abject Moron?

  1. The Senator didn’t say a darn thing that would indicate he has an effing clue either.
    Our “secret sauce” is that ragheads are assimilating? WTH is he talking about?

  2. I’ve said before that I frequent a rather sizable website with lots of audience participation. Every time there’s an attack in England, there are couple regulars who claim to be regular Brit liberals (from what I’m told their IP addresses indicates that they are Brits) who invariably take issue with anyone saying Islam itself is the problem. I’ve become convinced that these two are paid disinfo agents. Mere trolling doesn’t explain it.

    Of course they give lip service to the deaths of innocents, but they remain deliberately obtuse about how Mohammadism is at the root of those deaths. They repeatedly blameshift to “right-wing crazies” who barely exist in England anymore, as if they’re ultimately at fault…not Mohammedanism, not mass immigration, not traitorous government, not obedient Muslims who refuse to assimilate.

    No, the Right is at fault.

    In England?

    Sorry, nobody is THAT stupid. It has to be deliberate.

  3. And that Doublethink is also deliberate Tequiyah.

    Tapper must be assured of proper VIP waterfront on the Magical Refuge Island of Elite Dhimmis.
    All the really best, top people are certain they’ll be there.

  4. I expect all those lefties that gave Spicer a hard time over his Nazi chemical weapon statement will step right up to correct this.


  5. If Tapper means (and I’m stretching the laws of reasonable interpretation here) that we haven’t had an Islamist drive a vehicle through a crowd in the U.S., I’d say two words to him–armed populace. Try that sh*t in Texas and someone in the crowd is going to shoot you dead before the police ever arrive.

  6. Wouldn’t it be better to say “de-brained?” Come to think of it shouldn’t the act of separating a human cranium from the rest of the body be called “de-heading” After all, the synonym for beheading is “DE-capitation”

    Think about it. When Keith Olberman does his next piece of lunacy about the Resistance, as if he’s broadcasting from Occupied France, won’t we say that he’s “BE-clowning” himself all over again?

    Does that mean he’s LOSING his patina of abject mega-buffoonery? No, he’s INCREASING it .. as if that’s even humanly possible. That’s what “be-” generally means

  7. He probably forgot, I believe it was at Ohio State where a car rammed into a crowd, the driver got out and went to work with a knife before he was shot dead by a policeman.

  8. oh, come on folks …. there’s no way there’s ever gonna be a London Bridge attack in the US
    London Bridge is in London, France …. Everyone knows that!

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