“StillDickingBimbos.com” Redirects to Hillary Clinton’s Website – IOTW Report

“StillDickingBimbos.com” Redirects to Hillary Clinton’s Website

Too much!

GatewayPundit: On Tuesday DC Leaks posted hacked private emails written by Colin Powell attacking Bill and Hillary Clinton.

One email posted by CBS News editor Will Rahn shows Powell telling Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds that he hopes to avoid having to vote for Hillary Clinton for president, pointing to the New York Post’s coverage of her husband’s alleged affairs.

Powell tells Leeds that Bill Clinton is still dicking bimbos.

Today there is a new website on the internet– StillDickingBimbos.com
It links to Hillary Clinton’s campaign website.  MORE

h/t Whatshername

7 Comments on “StillDickingBimbos.com” Redirects to Hillary Clinton’s Website

  1. It’s gonna be quite a while before the still-dicking-bimbos laughter dies down! That is, of course, unless something else comes along to supplant it.

    I’d like to see some more of CP’s emails, I think. Comedy gold…

  2. The Oscar Meyer Weiner improved:

    I wish I was a little dickin bimbo
    That is all I really want ta be eh, eh.
    For if I was a little dicken bimbo
    Everyone would be in love with me, eh. eh.

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