Stockholm: Elderly Residents Kicked Out of Apartments to Make Way For Migrants – IOTW Report

Stockholm: Elderly Residents Kicked Out of Apartments to Make Way For Migrants


Dozens of elderly residents were forced to leave their apartments in an area of Stockholm after the block was closed, only to be re-opened again for migrants to replace them.

Residents at Dianagården were told they would have to leave because the toilets in the facility were 5cm too small to comply with regulations.

However, soon after the 48 apartments were emptied, they were filled with newly arrived migrants. read more

13 Comments on Stockholm: Elderly Residents Kicked Out of Apartments to Make Way For Migrants

  1. MAJack,
    “We should take the Swedes in, ship our Muslims to Sweden.”
    I’ll agree with the second part.
    But NOT to the first part. The Swedes are too used to Socialism, with all its ills. That’s how they got to the predicament they’re in. How do you think think they’d vote once they get here?


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