13 Comments on Stocking Stuffer For the Prog You Insist On Keeping In Your Life
Well…..the dipshit libs that I’m stuck with are going to need a much bigger container than that.
Can it be ordered by the 55 gallon drum. I’ll need two, one to go to Seattle, the other to Minnesota.
I’d like to order some with a Scoville rating of about 900,000… like a Scorpion Butch, a Carolina Raper, or the infamous Bhutt Jolokia… just so I can see a Progressive butt-drag himself over 100 yards of democRat Astroturf!
I’m not going to comment on how some of them might try to apply it.
Feel the Bern.
I have exempted them all from my new happy world. Talk of sports and house-y type stuff became insufferable. Theyd send condescending verbal jabs at me about conservativism when it was inappropriate to answer without disrupting a nice dinner. Later in the evening I’d open a topic and they’d respond that all I wanted to do was to talk politics.
Friends of many years. Weren’t friends at all.
Streetname? Gotta havea street name.
“Butt-Lip Lip Balm” !!
Damn Fur, that’s really well done & down right prefessional!
Totally enjoyed this. LOL
That can would just fall out of the butt holes of the libs around us.
That’s an instant classic right there.
That’s all fancy and shit. Just go to
buttpaste.com and get the cheap stuff. I’ve
got a box on my desk at work. ๐
Fur, you really need to put that on eBay.
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Well…..the dipshit libs that I’m stuck with are going to need a much bigger container than that.
Can it be ordered by the 55 gallon drum. I’ll need two, one to go to Seattle, the other to Minnesota.
I’d like to order some with a Scoville rating of about 900,000… like a Scorpion Butch, a Carolina Raper, or the infamous Bhutt Jolokia… just so I can see a Progressive butt-drag himself over 100 yards of democRat Astroturf!
I’m not going to comment on how some of them might try to apply it.
Feel the Bern.
I have exempted them all from my new happy world. Talk of sports and house-y type stuff became insufferable. Theyd send condescending verbal jabs at me about conservativism when it was inappropriate to answer without disrupting a nice dinner. Later in the evening I’d open a topic and they’d respond that all I wanted to do was to talk politics.
Friends of many years. Weren’t friends at all.
Streetname? Gotta havea street name.
“Butt-Lip Lip Balm” !!
Damn Fur, that’s really well done & down right prefessional!
Totally enjoyed this. LOL
That can would just fall out of the butt holes of the libs around us.
That’s an instant classic right there.
That’s all fancy and shit. Just go to
buttpaste.com and get the cheap stuff. I’ve
got a box on my desk at work. ๐
Fur, you really need to put that on eBay.