Stolen Valor Scammer Takes It to A Whole ‘Nother Level of Fraud – IOTW Report

Stolen Valor Scammer Takes It to A Whole ‘Nother Level of Fraud

To really get the full disgusting details about fake marine, Sarah Cavanaugh you really need to hear it from Angry Cops, Richard Hy. (Warning: Foul Language). Watch

18 Comments on Stolen Valor Scammer Takes It to A Whole ‘Nother Level of Fraud

  1. This pisses me off. I am a 21 year USAF veteran. I was in “Operation Just Cause” for Noriega, Desert Shield/Storm, and Iraqi Freedom. I was in Joint services communications for the first two and real AF Comms for OIF 1. I was at the rear with the commo gear providing the “mama calls” back home for the true hero’s on the front lines and the mission critical communication. I am a nobody support guy that saw and met a lot of real hero’s.

  2. I helped bust a fake Navy Seal at a central valley gun range/gun store about 12 years ago. An old lady ran the place. Turns out Navy Seals no longer Tea Cup. Cocky son of a bitch until a couple of employees and myself told him we were going to report him. The Seal Teams have their own dedicated web site to report these weak sisters.

  3. I love stories of assholes getting busted for stolen valor, but damn Mr. Theatrics caused me to tune out before the entire story unfolded.

    Tsquared – thank you for your service.

  4. Hey Tom Cruise played a Navy Seal and a Top Gun Pilot.

    He’s my hero! NOT.

    Some people be claiming honors de not be.

    Some people not win election s de say de win too.

    I have not nor ever will be deserving of being called anyone’s hero.

  5. “I met more Force Recon Marines in bars after the war than I did in Vietnam.”
    (The Kug, Marine Sniper (if memory serves))

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. My ex daughter in law’s new husband got kicked out of the Marines for smoking crack but somehow got a veteran license plate.
    He used to go to events in his old uniform until his ex father in law, an actual veteran, saw him and sent him out.
    These attention seekers are not only scammers they’re mentally ill.

    Ticks me off.
    We have a lot of vets in our family. Thing is, they don’t go around looking for attention like stolen valor creeps.

  7. Has she no family or anyone else in her past who knew she didn’t serve in the Marine Corps? They’re just as guilty for not coming forward to reveal her lies. It’s a terrible thing to use someone else’s medical diagnosis to solicit sympathy and to bilk money from charities. This is just awful.

    (The guy presenting this info in the video is just as bad in his own way. He’s monetizing his theatrical presentation on YT. His liberal use of foul language to make his point is at odds with his comical body language. He sounds and looks like he’s play acting his anger.)

  8. Had an Army vet in my place of work years ago (I spent some of my misspent youth in the 101st and 10th SF). He was serenading us all with tales of his airborne adventures one day. I asked him when he was at Benning and what training company he was in. This is nearly always a way to catch chairborne commandos lying about their “paratrooper” days. He responded “Alpha Company!”

    Anyone going thru jump school knows the four companies were identified as 42nd, 43rd, 44th, and 45th Company, 4th Bn 4th Student Brigade. I pointed that out to him, grinned at the others and walked away.

  9. How can you find out if someone was in the military (marines)? Is there a site that can confirm these things? Our township is dealing with a similar case… a fraudster that is not only using PTSD / Military Iraq war, but faking Doctors’ diagnosis too! and the documents that go along with said diagnosis. It’s a crazy story… and goes on and on involving multiple aliases and other towns.

  10. TIM
    Had a buddy that went RECON. I had set up an ambush (that failed). radio man got a call; guy wanted to talk to leader. I answered. He recognized my voice, said hey _ its _. Your ambush failed because a rifleman did not cover his barrel. Sun reflected back to ChiCom platoon leader. He charted a new course!

    All that took place in Nam; many decades ago.

  11. Cate, sounds like the place to start is asking for a copy of their DD214. That would have their SSN and fake service info on it. If they’re like Cavanaugh, they’ll be glad to supply a copy. Or you could contact Salty Cracker and find out what he did.

  12. Not sure why….someone has taken up my moniker here at

    I haven’t posted a comment in months. I gave up blog comments for Lent.

    Just so you know.

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