Stolen Valor Thief Gets Sentenced and It’s Sweet – IOTW Report

Stolen Valor Thief Gets Sentenced and It’s Sweet

You can read about the punishment meted out to Sarah Cavanaugh, who we have covered in the past. Here

Or better yet, let the angry cop fill you in on more of the details of this case and share his elation that justice does indeed still exist in this country. Watch

10 Comments on Stolen Valor Thief Gets Sentenced and It’s Sweet

  1. We should be clear, the stolen valor did not get her into trouble as much as the fraud profiting from it.

    When some dickhead who puts on a uniform and medals to get laid, impresses his buds at an HS reunion or walks around a mall accepting accolades and gratitude for services NOT rendered, and goes to jail for it, then I will be satisfied.

  2. Wanted a shorter sentence because of the humiliation she has already suffered? That right there is what’s wrong with this country. Poor, poor criminals.

  3. People like Kavanaugh tick me off.
    My son’s ex wife married a guy who got dishonorable discharge from the Marines but managed somehow to get veterans’ plates and has Marine stuff all over his car.

  4. Cynic
    AT 6:57 PM
    “I bet Hunter got a dishonorable discharge…from his schlong.”.

    …Pedo Joe had a dishonorable discharge from HIS schlong, and named it Hunter.


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