Stonewall Gets a Burqa – IOTW Report

Stonewall Gets a Burqa

Not knowing how to resolve the firestorm of radical agitation they started in Charlottesville, VA, the city council voted unanimously to put plastic bags over the remaining confederate statues that dot their city.

The move clearly signals that the city leaders have lost control of the narrative and are now just hoping if they hide the symbols that set the unreasonable off then the mob might just go stomp off to assault some other issue.


13 Comments on Stonewall Gets a Burqa

  1. Behold the wimpy-butted government representatives. Still, trying to placate the rioters, instead of upholding the law OF THE PEOPLE.

    As long as spineless representatives capitulate by attempting to placate, the closer to the other side pushing back.

  2. They should now revise how the issue of slavery is taught in this country. Along with telling the kids that the Africans were brought here as slaves, they also need to include the fact that Africans sold other Africans to The Europeans.
    For guns.
    To use against other Africans.

  3. They need to continue doing these things as the South is beginning to consolidate and realize that we are under attack. People in the South are beginning to see that we are second class citizens and really just an occupied country.

  4. There are several free standing buildings, bridges and tunnels built by slaves and/or slave owners. In fact, 100% of America was built on a minimum wage below 15 bucks. Go get ’em, retards.

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