Stop Glamorizing Serial Killers – IOTW Report

Stop Glamorizing Serial Killers

Bed Wetting Seth

Son of Shit

The Skid Marksman

Jack the Bad Tipper

13 Comments on Stop Glamorizing Serial Killers

  1. One thing that is 100% for sure and for certain if there is a single example of one that WASN’T planned, funded, encouraged, recruited, coordinated etc by the FBI/Deep State, there would not be any reason for them to withhold any documents and/or evidence from the American people. None whatsoever.

  2. Once it was determined that blacks were behind the shooting in KC, the story fell off the front page and The Narrative shifted towards “banning guns”, which, of course, would be just another law that won’t get enforced as far as blacks are concerned because it could potentially stop them from murdering decent, normal, working human beings, whom the democrat party hates with a passion.


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