Stop ‘Illegal Skateboarding’ – IOTW Report

Stop ‘Illegal Skateboarding’

A beach city in Orange County, California decided to teach kids a lesson after 28 confirmed Coronavirus deaths in the entire county of over 3 million people.

San Clemente shut down a popular skate park on April 1st due to the state’s authoritarian shelter-in-place order.

San Clemente officials sprung into action and filled the park with 37 tons of sand after they saw teenagers and children ignoring signs to stay out.

Finish reading here.

Anyone remember when Obama ‘punished’ veterans during the government shutdown by blocking access to open-air war memorials in DC?

22 Comments on Stop ‘Illegal Skateboarding’

  1. when the kids start skateboarding on the sidewalks & streets are they gonna dump sand there too?

    dumbasses …. your tax dollars at work

    “It’s not about a virus; it’s about control…The truth is learned, never told.”

  2. Skateboarders have been treated like second class citizens forever.
    Funny thing is, these parks were built to keep the kids off the sidewalks, curbs, handrails and other challenging surfaces and keep the downtown shopkeepers happy.
    Since there aren’t many shoppers now, have at it, kids!

  3. Those skateboarders will get back at them, in ‘some’ way, probably by vandalizing something. They don’t take kindly to that shit, and will adapt.

    Don’t get me wrong, not hating on skateboarders, I WAS one myself at one time. But that was on the streets of the Bronx, not in some ‘park’. But hey we are talking about Cali.

    In the meantime I suggest they find a nice empty garage, take the staircase to the top and fly down the ramps.

  4. Anonymous APRIL 20, 2020 AT 11:57 AM
    “This shutdown is the biggest scam since “barack hussein obama”.

    That one is still hard to believe.”

    …what, why would you say it’s hard to believe that a radical Marxist openly America-hating Kenyan-born Indonesian citizen would be your homosexual Muslim president a scant 7 years after 9-11 while they were STILL at war with US, and for NO reason other than he was

    a) Black,
    b) Had a Tranny ‘Wife”, and
    c) Wasn’t Bush?

    …how is THAT hard to believe?

    (and yes, I know he ran against “Songbird” McCain, but that didn’t really count since that PARTICULAR traitor was under orders to take a dive, so the Indonesian ran against Bush anyway, and Team McShame’s campaign was so tepid that if lefties weren’t secretly attracted to Sarah Palin, they wouldn’t have even known who was running against Barry AT ALL…)

  5. @ SNS
    Don’t you think having a tranny for a first Lady is at least as big of a scam on America as the black faulty Jesus?
    It’s just that now people are losing their jobs, businesses and maybe their homes and rentals. Not funny at all, not at all.
    It needs to stop now. If some choose to stay home that’s fine, just leave us out of your plan to take the nation apart.

  6. I’m not too fond of skate parks nor dirt bike stuff because I’m old, fat, & lazy. So while it’s “not my scene” I’m not going to sweat them for the physical activity of their choice. But hell, even I would jump in and help with the conversion.

  7. The real lesson to learn here is if any normal soul derives any kind of joy out of anything. a democrat is going to either make it illegal or regulate it to the point where there’s no longer any point.

  8. I’m touched. As the lowly opposition in the 12 year anti skateboarding war initiated by Mr. Hat, I’m gratified to see at least 3 semi-tolerant posts regarding muh sport.

    In recognition of this olive branch, I promise not to ollie over homeless veterans sleeping in the streets.

    For like…. a week.


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