Stop selling fuel to DC – IOTW Report

Stop selling fuel to DC


The District of Columbia municipal government is exploring an environmentalist lawsuit against oil providers despite buying more than 1 million gallons of gasoline in 2018.

Washington Free Beacon analysis of invoices obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all wholesale purchases for city vehicles found that D.C. paid for more than 1 million gallons of fuel in 2018 alone. The city’s consumption of fossil fuels did not stop lawmakers from exploring potential lawsuits against the very companies it purchased fuel from. In March 2019, the district attorney general’s office put out a request for bids from outside attorneys to investigate and possibly sue major energy producers such as Exxon for reasons linked to climate change. more here

8 Comments on Stop selling fuel to DC

  1. DC gubbment!

    I did jobs for Metro, and DCDOT, and the Department of Rec, and even right there at OCTO, both as a Bell dude, and a cooling tower dude.

    Fuck them.

    These people are, arguably, the dumbest motherfuckers in DC.

    WASTE, IGNORANCE, AND WANT sums it all up.

  2. I almost forgot, I did 80% of the Fire Stations, too — a huge project to ISDN their telephones…

    Now THAT was run by a good guy. A brilliant engineer. But he was a contractor. He was a seething prick, and after we nearly got into a fist fight I understood him. We became dear friends.

    He demanded I finish the FD job. And I demanded that he would be the only one I talked to.

  3. this is a trend by city governments (municipal governments, state governments) … they can’t get enough tax $ from the rapidly dwindling population & anyone left is already on the public dole, so they sue any entity for any reason, no matter how ridiculous it is … maybe they’ll get lucky & score a ‘social justice’ justice

    I’m predicting in the future they’ll be suing deceased mayors, councilmen’s, governors estates for not having the foresight to address today’s problems

  4. meant to close w/ … today’s ‘leaders’ have nothing … no solutions, no new ideas … just more of the same old tired excuses why they cannot solve problems, only to blame others … this is not leadership, it’s pandering
    I ask why, exactly, did we elect them? … to blame someone else for our present problems? … or to fix them? … to give us free shit? or to inspire us to achieve greater?

    this is why many of us voted for Trump … we were tired of lame excuses, trite explanations of failure within our government, our society & ourselves …
    we can do better! don’t restrict us, unleash us!

  5. Aside from the obvious grab for deep pockets, this is also a backdoor approach to getting the petroleum companies to admit that the use of fossil fuel promotes Climate Change. Sue them into issuing warnings and and all bets are off. Lefties will say “See, we told you so, even the petroleum companies will tell you that burning fossil fuel promotes Climate Change!”. But that’s not where it will stop. Not by a long shot! Such a disclaimer opens up an even bigger can of worms by encouraging more greedy lawyers to sue the Petroleum companies for every illness known to man! Remember when cigarette warnings were nothing more than just warnings???

  6. Same solution as stop selling gunz (and repair services), and ammunition to states like Kalifornication. If I remember correctly, Barrett has done that.

  7. Elegant idea. The petro companies can declare that
    due to the demonstrated fact that their customers
    are not satisfied with their product that they are
    withdrawing from that particular market.
    They can then give them a list of Saudi and Russian
    oil companies to contact about buying oil.


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