Stop the Negativity – IOTW Report

Stop the Negativity

I market iOTWr posts to social media to increase our traffic and possibly increase the amount of money generated from ads so we can keep our website running for a little while longer. Because of that, I see a lot of negativity coming from people who should know better. I finally hit my limit today when I read a comment from a “blue check’ personality on Twitter. He had the gall to have the hashtag #Resist in his profile. How is this comment resisting?:

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” – Gettysburg Address

Lincoln was wrong. It has perished.

Tyrants behind razor wire and armed troops killed it.

I called him on it. Haven’t heard back from him and probably won’t. I’m nobody, so he doesn’t have to care about what I think.

But somebody does. There are enough of us that do care. We do want to fight back. Aren’t we always trying to shame the RINOs for their “roll over and play dead” attitude when fighting for us is what we need?

The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, but we don’t have to let it stop us.

So, let’s show them how it works.

I decided to post this here also for the nay-sayers who think there is nothing we can do. Let’s just stop all the negative talk about the condition of our nation. Instead of moaning and bashing anyone who might be trying to do something positive, why don’t you join us? You say we are doomed; we have lost. We don’t have to be doomed. Let’s not “roll over” like the spineless RINOs.

We need to remain positive, find solutions to what is going on. At least, there are people who are trying. We haven’t given up. You think we are through as a nation? You’re wrong. Stop moping and put your ‘brilliance’ into thinking of ways we can fight back. Why give up?

Start small. Start by running for your local school board. Fight the indoctrination of our children. Find others to join you.

Run for city council. Fight the ignorance and self-serving council members who are only in it for themselves. Find others to join you.

Become involved in your local election board. Be where it makes a difference. Find others to join you.

Fight. Don’t give up and become a keyboard whiner. Write letters, find others to write letters with you. Put pressure on those who are trying to destroy our nation, our faith, our love of country.


Isaiah 60:1-2

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

For behold, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord will arise upon you,
and his glory will be seen upon you.

32 Comments on Stop the Negativity

  1. I try and stay positive though it is difficult.
    Almost want to disengage and say fuck it all.

    I think a whole lot of shit will go down this summer though.
    Covid ending creates a power struggle.
    BLM will riot as usual when the bitches don’t get their way.
    biden* will no longer be president*
    Time will tell…

  2. Suggestion (or, maybe, Hint):

    Place the “Click for Gifting” sign above the “Bullpen” sign on every page.

    Folks? Contribute. Please!

    It’s the closest thing in being an American Buddy that I can know (Yes! it costs money!). If you like this site and the Americans who invented it and those who post on it, throw a few coins in the Tip Jar!

  3. “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.” [Psalm 73:26]


    “Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me.” [Micah 7: 8]

    Thank you, Claudia.

  4. Thank you Claudia! It is too easy to be negative – that’s why there are democrat voters. The beauty of Trump – and his 80 + million supporters – is that he was POSITIVE. He loved America, he saw the best that we had to offer, he saw the good that we have given this world and the potential for even more.

    Nattering nabobs of of negativity reside on the left. We are better than that. America is not perfect, but on the whole America’s pluses far outweigh its minuses. And as conservatives we see the good in America, while democrats see only the bad. Which one do you want to be?

  5. Holy crap, that’s more from the kind, benevolent, caring, wouldn’t say bad things ever Claudia that I’m familiar with…

    Michigan had better be careful for the next few weeks cause it sounds like we now have her attention.

  6. Well put. Telling people there’s nothing they can do doesn’t make you wise or convince the rest of us that you have some mystic inside knowledge. You’re sitting behind a computer just like the rest of us so knock it off. If you’re frustrated, fine. Get it off your chest. But this whole “I saw all this coming” or “stop being naïve” business is just lame.

  7. I’m on the bus.

    I’m already asking people who they voted for (when I already know) when they bitch about the gas prices going up, and only $1400 instead of $2000.

    I get silence, then I tell them you get what you vote for.

    I hope I don’t get called into HR, but I’m guessing I will be ok, HR knows I will ask them the same questions (and I know who THEY voted for too).

    Get on the bus people, we have less than two years to make the next change. And I know we will.

  8. As the Dems consolidate their power in Washington DC, the only peaceful path back now appears to be at the state and local level. We can, and must, play the sanctuary game, but we must be prepared for serious retribution from the Dems and Deep State.

    States, counties and cities, in isolation, will just be a game of whack-a-mole. (We recently installed Gov. Cox, who identifies as a liberal Karen, here in Utah, so I don’t know how that will go.)

    It will require flyover states to support each other against a hostile federal regime. The Dems don’t care if the nation collapses but we do. Force them to abandon the Constitution and the Union by showing unity and loyalty to each other and the Constitution. They are the revolutionaries and seditionists.

    Those few idiot QAnon fanatics opened the door to what is to come. I don’t care if they were played. Stupid is an explanation, not an excuse. The powers behind this have been taunting the Right for decades, and until Jan. 6, but for a few lone-wolf incidents, the Right refused to take the bait. Granted, things have never been this contentious before but that underscores the need for self-control.

    Pelosi is positioning for a purge of Congress. I watched this script being played out before in Ecuador, after Correa stole his first election. She will not allow a mid-term flip. She may wait until she sees how SCOTUS behaves, but she will likely do it with or without their sanction, since she can pack it anytime she chooses.

    This is one big game of chicken. The Dems are going to push and push every boundary, until they meet serious resistance, then they will try to crush it. The further they go without resistance, the easier it will be to crush it when it does come.

    I have, for some years now, determined that the only people who can stop this train wreck are Democrats. Let’s hope enough of them wake up — soon.

    Always choose the peaceful path first. Never give up hope, but if you do, never give up. If all you can do is pray, then pray.

    That’s as positive as I can get right now. If I am totally wrong, I will be happier.

  9. I try to remember that everything is cyclical.

    G. Michael Hopf: “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

  10. I see this same problem in another arena. Perhaps the comparison will make it more clear (if not suggest a solution) to some.
    Each year, someone declares it to be “The Year of the Linux Desktop”. And then nothing comes of it. The claim indicates that this is the time for Linux (or other unix-like) operating systems to be used on more desktop computers than MS Windows.

    But There is only one MS Windows, and there are hundreds of Linux distributions. Sure, Windows users complain about various aspects of the OS, but they use it nonetheless. Meanwhile, Linux users who don’t like one distribution simply switch to another, creating fragmentation among the user-base.

    Not that I’d like it to be the case, but unless and until there is only one Linux distribution, there are only a multitude of Liliputians struggling for attention while Gulliver treads obliviously through the weeds, caring for nought.

    If on wishes to win this struggle, two things must happen. How to accomplish them is left to better minds.
    1. The user-base must accept that different people have different tastes, and cease excoriating on another for minor differences of taste.
    2. The user-base must, rather, put that time and effort into showcasing the benefits of the platform to those who have never (or are weakly supportive) of the opposition.

    The Linux user-base has never, and will never, do this. We love our liberty far too much to to give an inch. So the Constitutional Conservatives (note: not Republicans) are likewise inclined to hold their particular piece of ground.

    But unless we put our petty differences aside for the good of fighting the greater wickedness, we will fail. Have we not been proving that to ourselves for the past 40 years? The minor stuff can be hashed out later, but for now, we MUST preserve the liberty we yet have in order to be able to do so later. May God have the mercy to let us try yet again.

  11. I AM NOT feeling positive.We just had our country stolen and I’m suppose to be Mr. Happy. No remedy in sight. Every branch of government, the SCOTUS, and the Military have abandoned our Constitution. I’m not happy and I’m not going to be happy until there’s a remedy. I’ll stay away until then happy people.

  12. Brad–

    Claudia’s post is not about being “happy” in the face of everything that has happened and is happening.

    It is about resisting negativity.

  13. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS MARCH 12, 2021 AT 7:27 PM

    I actually considered my brother an Eeyore.

    Whenever the conversation turned to hope/plans for the future or some spiritual topic, he was a total Eeyore. “What’s the use? Why try? Doesn’t matter anyway. Ha! You still have dreams?”

    I felt sorry for him, but it also led to not caring if he was around to participate in my family’s life. I didn’t need that influence on my kids.

    To have plans and have hope is crucial to having a good life. I think it bothered him deeply I was a happy family man. So much so, he disappeared for the last 17 years of his life.

    He got to be miserable without any push back. He got what he wanted and lost everything he had.

    Constant negativity kills motivation and striving for better than what is present in the here and now.

  14. Brad–

    I understand that you’re negative–we all feel that to a certain extent. But the negativity Claudia was talking about is the kind of “throw-in-the-towel” attitude that I’ve NEVER seen in you over the years. Are you giving up?

  15. Brad, I know how you feel. SCOTUS doing what they did though is waking up red states to the fact that if SCOTUS is corrupt then we don’t need to listen to them, they can’t enforce shit and neither can Pelosi or McConnell or Kamala and Biden’s other handlers.

    Myself, I’m not working on local elections, I’m working on getting who is there to fix our election system in our own state and telling the feds to go pound sand even if they sign their election stealing into law.
    I tell people who whine about gas prices, food prices, etc. how stupid they are if they support democrats.
    Mostly though my focus is on the elections, it doesn’t matter what we do if we don’t fix that, because states like mine will continue to send people like Lankford to DC unless we fix our own elections.

  16. Thank you, Claudia!

    Old Racist White Woman is right.

    You know what? If you look at what states like TX and FL are doing, as an example, with their vote laws- contact your on AG, DA, Governors, legislators and ask them “Why aren’t WE doing this?”
    Look at your state constitution and what it says about voting rights and voting laws. Did your state violate them? Get on their case. Demand they show receipts on vote machines, if they’ve been certified, etc. Some state laws I’ve read say if the machines weren’t certified, the election is void.

    Get into a class action lawsuits.

    Find dirt on one of the city council members. Do anything. A little here and a little there makes a difference when there are a whole lot of you chipping away at a problem.

    Replace them.

  17. BTW, if you contact a DA in a state that has their election shit together, they can give you some hints on how to work with or around the DA in your own state. And if your state DA is looking for help, he/she may be able to team up with the other state to fight election fraud.

  18. Man, I hope you’re promoting my posts, Claudia.

    Just….you know, not the Hitler ones.

    Nah, just kidding you should ESPECIALLY promote the Hitler posts.

  19. “Dear Representative (whatever).
    Seeing that you haven’t been doing what you have been elected to do, I just wanted to let you know that my friends, family and myself will be campaigning and voting for [the other guy]. And since (State/county) has been in lockdown, some of us have lost our jobs or have had work hours severly reduced, we will have plenty of time on our hands to do just that. For Free.”

    You know 25 people who feel the same? I bet they know another 25 themselves. Mail some letters on the same day. Every week. That’s a few stamps per month. Shit, make them sign for the letters. Get a receipt. lol

  20. I’m not gonna be that bitch in the gulag thinking, “shit! I didn’t even bother to stand in front of that asshole’s office and call him an asshole.” lol.

    WE fix things. WE do.

    Even if your politicians are democrat/RINO, you can still get in their heads. Pick one and work on him/her.
    People have been messing with the ones in Ohio. Some of the pols there are retiring. lol

  21. “I have, for some years now, determined that the only people who can stop this train wreck are Democrats. Let’s hope enough of them wake up — soon.”

    That’s the truth. Have you noticed the Democrats are taking each other to court over election fraud lately? Even in the non-contested states? That’s going to spill over. This is the chance to exploit that.

  22. Have you noticed how Trump targets a rino per week? lol
    Well, when he targets one, that’s your clue to target them, too.
    Get on their nerves, call them, write them, do everything but become a felon. okay? 😀

  23. Thanks to everyone for your comments.

    MJA, you are spot on. That’s exactly what I was talking about. We can put the pressure on those who we are disappointed in, like my Rep who ran as MAGA then turned his back on President Trump. I’m going to send him that letter telling him that he will be primaried.

    That goes for any RINO and even the Democrats. Responses from “the people” may not be listened to UNLESS it gets to a point that the volume of responses scares them (worried about getting re-elected).

    Great ideas and I pray that we all can do this.

    Thanks again!


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