Stop The Steer! ๐Ÿ˜‚ – IOTW Report

Stop The Steer! ๐Ÿ˜‚

22 Comments on Stop The Steer! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  1. For somebody that wasn’t there she remembers a lot in minute detail. The J6 committee has been told by various dem pols and people familiar with politics that none of this is working, yet, here we are.

  2. For a woman that is supposed to be only 25 years old Cassidy Hutichnson looks like she’s 45. She supposedly spent over 20 hours giving her deposition. Actually she spent this time memorizing Shiitty Schiff’s “Wash Rinse Smell Repeat” of Christine Baisley Ford.

  3. Dry gulched
    JUNE 30, 2022 AT 8:51 AM

    “The J6 committee has been told by various dem pols and people familiar with politics that none of this is working, yet, here we are.”

    …if all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks likeba nail.

    This is the Democrats’ hammer.

  4. “none of this is working”

    The veracity of this statement is directly tied to Trump’s future, whether he is viable in 2024, and whether he ultimately wins since their stated goal is to arrest any future political considerations.

    If I’m not mistaken, if the GOP gets a majority after November they can 86 this joke of a committee, hope that happens.

    I think we are witnessing the new Monica Lewinski. This woman was not well served by her new lawyer and naively got caught up in something she was not prepared for. But the left takes care of their own, so she will get a nice plush staff position some where, or maybe go work for Disney.

  5. The Democratic party is a hate cult period. Out of touch with reality not doing their jobs for the country. Representing make believe minorities and dividing society into countless factions.

  6. The Dirty Dems don’t care if anyone believes them. This is so they have campaign ads and in their minds a chance to beat Trump and anyone who disagrees with the Borg…I mean Dirty Dems.

  7. When are the democraps gonna stop this kangaroo court, Star chamber, show trial, dog and pony show? I’d say perhaps never and would probably be right with a lot of dumbasses who might actually believe all the bs and all the malarkey that the democraps spew thru their lying teeth. When I first saw the word steer, I thought they were trying to capture an escaped, castrated male cow, a bull in other words. Just more never-ending bullshit from the left

  8. You can’t make peace with fanatics – particularly nihilistic totalitarian fanatics.
    Sports fanatics, maybe. But nihilism is their religion. Each is a god unto itself.
    God doesn’t exist, but they hate God, and want to be God (no – it doesn’t make sense). Mental illness writ large – but the mental illness is spreading. We didn’t think it contagious, but it is. Instead of pointing and laughing, we avert our eyes and sadly shake our heads.

    This will not end well.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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