Stop With the “Unity” Crap – IOTW Report

Stop With the “Unity” Crap

There is no UNITY between where the citizen left wants the country to go and where the citizen right wants the country to go. Trump bought into the entire notion and tried to deliver a message of unity at the congressional baseball game. Why?

Washington Times-

So much for defanging the poisonous debate in Washington.

Dozens of congressional staffers erupted into boos, jeers and even vulgar gesticulations Thursday when President Trump appeared in a video at the Congressional Baseball Game at Nationals Park.

Mr. Trump delivered a message of unity, but some fans in the stands weren’t having any of it.

One man shouted an expletive at the video screen as Mr. Trump was telling the fans: “We are showing the world we will not be intimidated by threats.”

The episode marred what had been a night celebrating those wounded in Wednesday’s murderous attack on GOP players practicing for the game.



I feel like making a parody of those stupid Coexist bumper stickers, this time with an elephant and a donkey, and the donkey is strapped with a homicide vest and a crazed look in its eyes.

25 Comments on Stop With the “Unity” Crap

  1. Jason Chaffetz did and interview and when asked why he was quitting his political life he replied “Because neither side want to compromise”. I couldn’t help thinking what a dumb fxck. There is no compromising with people that are out to destroy our country. I’m glad he’s gone. He never did get it.

  2. I too believe in unity. Except that there are no leftists in my world of unity.

    Ask virtually anyone who lives in an area where there are a lot of leftists, and they will tell you leftists do not compromise. Sure, they lie, cheat and steal; but they do not compromise. Leftists believe that they alone are the only ones competent to run your life, and that they alone are the only ones with whom absolute government power can be vested. Leftists worship the state, they rarely change their world view, and they are perfectly willing to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. Unity with these people means total surrender, and their capacity for national economic and social disaster as a result of their policies knows no bounds.

  3. Compromising with your enemies just extends to duration of the conflict. Defeat your enemy, whether it’s on the battlefield or in the arena of ideas. That’s what drives me nuts when our side refers to our friends on the other side of the aisle. Friends my homesick ass.

  4. cato

    That reflects my own personal altitude. To bad Arnie didn’t govern California with that frame of mind.

    OT, A couple armed home owners caught those Georgia Escaped convicts that killed the prison guards. Held them at gun point until the federales arrived.

  5. Ask the survivors of any former Communist state anywhere on the planet what happens when you “compromise with the Left”.

    Russia, occupied Eastern Europe, E Germany, Asia, now South America.

    Destroy the Left, or it will destroy everything of value and then finally the Left destroys even itself.

    The Left must be eradicated.

  6. Jesus and the Apostles never compromised with evil and I will not either. The left is wrong and or evil and you should never compromise with them.
    Imagine compromising with your rapist!
    The democrats have been a cancer on this country for over a hundred and fifty years.

  7. The Lefties I know are just passive aggressive jerks. One posted how sad she was that the shooting of Scalise happened in one sentence to ranting about Sandy Hook and gun control and then it was too bad it wasn’t Betsey DeVos who got shot-followed by tittering posts from other leftist in agreement. There is no unity. They feel righteous in their hate. Any feeling of being sorry about what happened is as fake as the fake news we have to hear every day.

  8. You do not compromise with evil.
    You don’t negotiate with cancer.
    You don’t dialogue with rabid vermin.
    And you never, ever, ever give one inch of ground to communist scum.


  9. Not only are liberals mentally deficient, when they ‘glorify’ someone like osh^thead or killary or bernie, it proves they’ve been “SUCKING ON STUPID”!

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