Store Clerk Sees Something Is Wrong With Mother Holding Her Baby – IOTW Report

Store Clerk Sees Something Is Wrong With Mother Holding Her Baby

The woman comes up to the counter, holding a baby, wishing to purchase a bottle soda.

The woman smiles, and then things go south.

15 Comments on Store Clerk Sees Something Is Wrong With Mother Holding Her Baby

  1. Puts a little more faith in people for me. I saw the same thing happen the other day but the guy wasn’t holding a child. He just sat in a chair and clunked over. I told the guy in charge to go get a pillow for the guy. He kept saying “he’ll be okay, he’s just having a seizure.” I kept demanding a pillow so he wouldn’t hit his head. A worker in the store ran and got his pillow. I didn’t wait around to see if he came to. It’s a scary thing to experience.

  2. JohnS, she took the baby in the convenience store, rather than leave it in the car. I did it that way many times when my youngest were small. No need for a stroller for a three minute, 40 foot walk. Now, when my twins were small, I didn’t even try to go in a convenience store.

  3. Thirdtwin; I raised 3. I NEVER left an infant in a car unless I was constantly close enough to the car to touch it.
    When my second was an infant I broke a metatarsal in my foot. Even when out of the cast, I could stumble a bit if I stepped on it wrong. As a result my son went from the car to a stroller.
    She knew of her condition, and the risk it presented to her child. That she was not willing to suffer the inconvenience of a stroller and chose instead to expose her child to unnecessary risk is either negligent laziness, or intentional malice.
    Either way, it is inexcusable.
    By the way, you are assuming she was driving. If that is the case she is putting not just her child in danger, but other children as well when she has a seizure and drives through a playground.

  4. My gosh. Some of you keyboard commandos would fail to live up to your own scorched Earth policy.

    Where did useless tits on a bull “Guy in the baseball shirt” go? To call 9-1-1 as the clerk stated in the video. There was something special IN there to help.

  5. Shit.

    My middle daughter has epilepsy and will never outgrow it. She just turned 15 and wants to know when she gets to start Drivers Ed, and worries if her seizure meds will hurt her babies.

    Try THAT conversation on for size. It fucking sucks.

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