Stores Find Creative Ways To Hide Their Empty Shelves – IOTW Report

Stores Find Creative Ways To Hide Their Empty Shelves

Clarion News

We’ve all been hearing stories about the empty shelves being encountered by shoppers around the country as the Biden supply chain crisis grinds on. (I’m still wondering when the Secretary of Transportation is going to take care of this. Where’s Pete?) Sadly, the empty shelves are showing up in grocery stores in some places. Those are obviously the most essential of all essential shopping options, so this is a serious problem. But what are the grocery stores doing about it? According to Inside Edition, some of them have been dreaming up some creative ways to address the issue, though it’s totally unclear what they think they’re going to accomplish. Multiple stores have taken to filling up their shelves with items that are not in much demand this time of year, such as camping gear. Others are putting fake bottles on shelves to give the appearance of shelves full of products. And some have even resorted to pasting pictures of full shelves over the empty shelves. Honestly… what are these people thinking? More


14 Comments on Stores Find Creative Ways To Hide Their Empty Shelves

  1. We haven’t been seeing any food shortages in NorCal so far. The prices go up every visit. Our shop printer went DOA yesterday and we had to visit three different stores to find the one we wanted in stock. If they had 50 printers on display they had 5 with inventory. Same with Toner and Ink. All stuck down in Long Beach.


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