Straight From The Expert – IOTW Report

Straight From The Expert

He Knows Transportation Because

h/t Brad.

21 Comments on Straight From The Expert

  1. On a sad note, the great Vin Scully the voice of the Brooklyn and LA Dodgers has died at the age of 94. He was the voice of the Dodgers for nearly 60 + years from the early 50’s until just recently. At least he got to see the Dodgers win another World Series championship 2 years ago. RIP, Mr. Scully you were probably one of the best baseball and sports announcer ever, I and your many other longtime fans will miss you. You were a large part of the reason I love listening to baseball games on the radio over my many years as a Dodgers fan and baseball in general since I was a kid back in the 60’s and beyond. Other than the late great Paul Harvey you had one of the longest gigs on radio and TV ever.

  2. Don’t sit on anything which Buttigieg-Butthead sat on since he’s likely a monkeypox carrier. oh wait….just recently msm and ‘government officials” have been spreading their own disease by falsely stating that the Buttigieg monkeypox can also be gotten from sheets, trying on clothing, and towels. Looks like Buttigieg’s pretentious croaking about infrastructure and now “railroads” is racist too. pitiful laughable slob. lol

  3. Well, he did drive a jeep while in the Army.
    AND he bragged that in 118 trips he NEVER got lost.

    So, he’s as qualified as any of the greedy, malevolent maggots hanging around Joey.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This Poofter is America’s Butt-plug!
    When this nightmare is over, whut little monkey will they get to pull him out of America’s anus to get the Supply Chain moving again??

  5. This little faggot has relocated to my home town. I can’t wait until I see him in public and see if he likes being hasseled like the libturds do to conservative judges and congressmen.

  6. Ever since child rapist/Portland Mayor Neil Goldschmidt became Secretary of Transportation, it’s become obvious that the Secretary of Trans job is strictly a political reward.

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