Straight White Males – Lowest Order on the Leftist Plantation – IOTW Report

Straight White Males – Lowest Order on the Leftist Plantation

Victim group status completely destroys what America stands for.

ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on Straight White Males – Lowest Order on the Leftist Plantation

  1. BS warning! Ben Shapiro is also on this video. If you can take the insufferable little rodent he does a good job of putting together a concise explanation of intersectionality. I am not one to attack the messenger, but he really gets under my skin.

    Great little sub four minute video though.

  2. I like to think of the stupid white, male schmoes who bow down to the hogwash of “toxic masculinity” from their Leftist betters as another huge voting bloc who will eventually get fed up and decide to free themselves. They will, too.

    It must be very depressing to the “woke” males to watch a manly president behaving like a real man and never even thinking of apologizing for it.

  3. @ AbigailAdams FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 2:06 PM

    I have seen a hell of a lot more toxic pussywhippings than I have toxic masculinity and by an order of magnitude

    Everything is very depressing to the “woke” male. They wear their depression like a badge of honor. I know it is hard to believe, but I listen to them on the commuter train every day. It is like they are facing off to see who is the most damaged.

  4. JD — That’s why I put “toxic masculinity” in quotes.

    Yeah, I’m depressed seeing all the metro-sexual men in Seattle with their skinny jeans, sunken chests and up-speak. They sound like a gaggle of teen-aged girls. And those are the thirty-somethings! Thank God our daughter was exposed to all those uber-masculine, strapping young laddies in our church! Guys who aren’t confused about who they are and would laugh in the faces of pussy-hat-wearing harridans who’d like to cut all their Sampson manes off. At least she has something with which to compare suitable suitors.

  5. Each demographic should only use technology/machinery/products that their own demographic invented, built and currently maintains. White males can’t use things that African women invented, and vice versa. I think that’s the fair and right thing to do. If we are going to split people up by demographics then their innovation sticks with them, not to be shared. Fair enough?

  6. BB — that’s the entire point, to stratify people into grievance groups and set them off against each other, and erase the micro-sovereignty that is the basis for any sovereignty.

  7. The really fun part is what a recent writer (can’t remember who,now) characterized this way: “Yesterday’s revolutionary is today’s reactionary and tomorrow’s enemy of the state.”

    We’ve seen this throughout the Democrat primary cycle; each one upping the “woke”, identity politics, grievance ante. It’s now to the absurd point where I think Einstein’s theory of time kicks in and the whole thing folds over itself in an inescapable burrito shape. The Democrat’s will have to chew their gagging way out through all that meat byproduct and imitation cheese! LOL!!

  8. @Bad Brad: To your point, many years ago a reporter (I think it was Mike Wallace) interviewed Harry Reems, a porn star of yesteryear, and asked if the First Amendment just applied to him. Mr. Reems was somewhat flummoxed by the question, but the answer is “yes, the First Amendment applies to me individually.” That is the purpose of the Bill of Rights – they enumerate rights that apply to each individual.

    Leftists are corrupting the Bill of Rights by trying to apply them to groups only. But I have yet to see any group that is truly homogeneous – there are always a few outliers in any group.

  9. I am proud to be a visible minority!

    Straight, white, male, drug free, works 6 days a week, never collected welfare, paid for private school for my kids, owns a firearm, is in a trade, eats meat, and married, the son of 2 legal immigrants, conservative, who has never been to jail, and NEVER WORE BLACK FACE!


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