Joe Biden’s Miserable Victims Hope for Migration Miracle
Breitbart: Many migrants lured northwards by President Joe Biden are stranded on the long trek between their homes and the restored U.S. borders caused by the 2024 election.
Some of the poor migrants in the humanitarian disaster caused by Biden’s illegitimate invite are now pleading for help to get home.
“I cry every day,” Yuleidi Moreno, a Venezuelan migrant lured north by Biden, recently told a Reuters reporter in Mexico. MORE
A long walk will take your mind off of your troubles. Get going.
Life is hard, it’s even harder if you’re stupid.
I’m guessing all the camps run by the NGO’s will not be available for the return trip?
Hello Catholic charities, Red Cross, UNICEF, are you there?
All they have to do is use an official port of entry to become legal aliens but that will not keep them from being eventually deported if their asylum claims are rejected by a judge. It’s the ones that come in any other way that makes them illegal.
One must feel sorry for these folks. They are mostly uneducated and easily taken advantage of. That said, although I’m blessed to have been born here and they weren’t, I am not obligated to take responsibility for all them. God has placed large numbers of our own people here for us to show mercy to and help. Not whole world.
Suffering from Darien Gaposis? Too bad. Should have known it was one-way when you didn’t pass anyone headed south.
I was stranded, caught in the crossfire.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
WHy don’t you ask the people that funded your north bound trip for assistance for your return home south bound trip?