Stranded Astronauts Received No Overtime Pay – IOTW Report

Stranded Astronauts Received No Overtime Pay

Guess who said he would pay for the 286 days that they were stuck in space?

Watch HERE.

12 Comments on Stranded Astronauts Received No Overtime Pay

  1. Overtime pay? If anybody deserves a big fat multi-million dollar settlement from the US Govt it’s those two. Matter of fact they should be awarded Obama and Bidens assets!

  2. Speaking of Boeing, Trump and Gegseth just awarded them a fat juicy $20 billion contract to build the new F-47 fighters for the Air Force.

    As much as I hate Boeing, Lockheed Martins was just to damned expensive to deal with. I trust Trump but Boeing is Bud Light with a fat NTSB file.

  3. @Rich Taylor,

    Lockheed is just too damn over extended. They don’t have enough people to even submit a competitive bid. This is the problem we’re facing 34 years after the wall fell… We let them merge, and layoff, cut costs… and well… The kids can’t run the store, so to speak…


  4. This action taken by President Trump to pay overtime pay to these 2 astronauts stuck on the space station is very generous. This never would’ve happened if Harris was president along with the support of the democrap party, they would’ve left them stuck up in space forever. Thank God, for a real President and not another lefty loon like kammy.

  5. “Lockheed is just too damn over extended. They don’t have enough people to even submit a competitive bid”

    What cave do you live in? Lockheed just recently picked up a fat juicy contract building DLA part circumventing the normal DLA bid process with guys like me. Now there a middle man and can step on pricing as hard as they want. Corporate welfare. They send me 20 quotes on NSN numbers we own a week. Fuck them. We don’t quote them. Got mixed emotions about Boing, not miss spelled. For the last 75 years Boeing has been accumulating smaller aerospace companies and incorporating their mil spec processes into their own. Boeing owns all of that. Lockheed specs Boeing processes a majority of the time. I’m most certain a contract between Trump and Boeing addressed their woke bull shit. There’s two companies I deal with that their engineering staff impresses the hell out of me. The first is Raytheon, the second is Boeing.
    This week we were desperately searching for a Boeing spec bearing. A whopping ten of them, but a very important shortage to our military. The wife found a phone number to a Boeing Distribution center and those peeps spent a large amount of time helping us find that bearing. Great people. Great Patriots.

  6. ^^^^
    My aching head. OK pal. You just dropped about to the bottom of my “serious people” list. You and Mr Liberty should have babies together. Fuck me. And by the way George Forman just moved on.

  7. We are all missing something very important here, unless you’re DaveVA. Joe Biden staffers prevented Elon from saving the peoples lives for months because it was freaken Elon Musk. So imagine if Kami was elected. These Americans would die up there because OMG we can’t be having Elon saving Americans. It would look really bad for LIBTARDS. nobody is mentioning this. Why? The Biden staffers that prevented this rescue at the very least need to be identified. Preferably they should be stripped naked and let these two astronauts whip the publicly. Is this where humanity is evolving?


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