LIve Science-
NASA astronomers just shared a colorful new view of Mars that proves the Red Planet also looks great in blue.
Using a special infrared camera aboard the Mars Odyssey orbiter, which has been soaring over the Red Planet since 2001, researchers snapped a thermal image of the Martian north pole, digitally colored to highlight the wide-ranging temperatures there. Areas tinted in blue represent colder regions, while warmer areas are tinted in yellow and orange, according to a NASA statement.
In this image — which covers an area of the pole about 19 miles (30 kilometers) wide — vast sand dunes line up in golden drifts, warmed by the sun on one side and chilled in the darkness on the other. more
There is global warming on Mars?
I first explored Mars in the 19th century.
The Spice must flow.
@Extirpates – correction – it’s Man Caused Climate Change 🧐
Red planet turns blue. Great.
@Brian Williams I first explored Venus and Mars in the late 17th century.
That source believes in global warming and therefore not reliable.
I wuz wonderin whut ever happened to those old K-Mart Blue Light Specials!
Thas how Chasten got to me: “I’d like to explore Uranus!”
I squealed with delight and said: “Send up a probe!”
There’s global climate warming change EVERYWHERE! 🙄
The FORMERLY Weather Channel had a piece the other night, about how Lake Michigan WARMING UP… is causing more SNOW storms. 🤪🤪🤪
Well, the moon is Swiss cheese isn’t it? of course Mars is Bleu!