Strange Clots Making Embalming Difficult – IOTW Report

Strange Clots Making Embalming Difficult

Epoch Times

Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings.

Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021. More

20 Comments on Strange Clots Making Embalming Difficult

  1. There’s a UK coroner on bitchute, rumble etc named John O’Looney who has been showing these calamari-type things growing inside people’s veins for quite a while now. He said he had to speak out about it or he couldn’t live with himself.

    It’s horrible that these people knew something was wrong since the jabs started and people were dying and they said nothing until now. There’s a lot of guilt to go around in the medical field.

  2. As in the Holocaust, where the Nazis made the Jews pay the train fare to the extermination and “work” camps – the producers of the World are now paying these filthy genocidal maniacs to kill us all. They’ve amassed $Billions upon $Billions.

    This will make the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Holodomor look pale in comparison. God must REALLY be pissed.

    “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” as the Frogs said while they crowded the French Jews onto the trains.

    We’ve got to be the dumbest muthuhfuckuhs in History.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only question remains, why haven’t the vaccines killed more people?

    I can’t imagine the anxiety that people who’ve taken the shot must be feeling as more of these stories appear.

  4. Hey Tim – the worst genocide in history was committed by the Spanish Conquistadors upon the indigenous peoples of the Americas, often with the aid of other indigenous people. It wasn’t colonists that killed most of them injuns.

  5. Dr. Tar, my opinion from what I’ve read about people who have tested vials it’s because it depends on which you got. Some truly were only saline, some had no mRna, some had different amounts, and some had some crazy stuff in them. People truly were guinea pigs in all kinds of different trials.
    If I remember correctly what the experts who have proven to be correct said, not all would die immediately, some would be terribly injured and slowly killed off. Others would have a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. I think they said those who got the true mRna would all die within 3 years.

  6. I just found out, that a girl got killed by your vaccine last week, and you knew it! You knew there were strange, never before seen clots, all cause mortality increases, and a huge spike in the VAERS database! You knew this so-called vaccine was dangerous! But you let people take the jab anyway? You knew all those things! But still my boy is dead now. And there’s nothing you can do about it. My boy is dead. I wanted you to know that.

  7. @Wild Bill ~ \”It wasn’t colonists that killed most of them injuns.\”

    no … it was smallpox, brought on by pigs brought to the New World by the Spanish.
    the indigenous reciprocated by introducing the Spanish (& Europe) to syphilis

    natural immunity takes time. just ask 1/2 the population of Europe that died from the Bubonic Plague … something our \’betters\’ (& we) knew about, but purposely denied

    … & the sheeple dutifully followed

  8. One of the main reasons why former NY gov Andrew Cuomo ordered the NY Dept of Health and Medical Examiner to have dead covid bodies cremated asap, and not for the purposes “to not spread around disease”. Fake governor and fraud Hochul has picked up the slack since Cuomo left his station and has done/is doing the same as Cuomo had ordered. Massive piles of dead bodies during that earlier covid time have been filmed waiting for cremation by funeral parlors, with many being rejected or waiting for long periods of time for cremation due to the high pile-ups. Cuomo’s and Hochul’s alternatives to these delays was to line up the dead bodies in black tarps along the Red Hook, Brooklyn waterfront.

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