“…Strangers in Our Own Land?” – IOTW Report

“…Strangers in Our Own Land?”

by — MaryfromMarin

“As we celebrate the 238th anniversary of our Independence, many Americans are wondering if we are indeed an independent nation with sovereign borders. Have we become strangers in our own land?

Yesterday, two very disturbing stories concerning our border crisis surfaced in the news. These stories should put goose bumps on all Americans…

…We now have a situation in which the Obama administration’s policies engendered a new wave of illegal immigration, they clearly knew about the wave for months, and are in complete control over how taxpayer dollars are spent dealing with this man-made crisis. There is something wrong with this picture. Why is Congress being shut out of the process? Is this what our Founders envisioned when they declared independence from a king in 1776?..” [Madison Project]

Our rogue government is in the process of invading its own country. Permanent leftist voter superiority is being set up. Population replacement has begun. Nothing could be clearer.

What are you going to do about it? Because if you do nothing, things WILL be done to you.


5 Comments on “…Strangers in Our Own Land?”

  1. The Mexicans,once they have sufficient numbers will take over the country. They will vote their own people into office and in years to come will take back southern states. They will own the country. White people will be a minority in their own country.
    All set up by Obama and the left.
    It’s starting now.
    Nice job MFM

  2. dave hodges at


    has some very disturbing conclusions from dozens of seemingly unrelated facts – russians in east tennessee, fema camps, chinese also – foreigners that speak perfect english – willing to arrest and detain legal Americans and doing the jobs that the American military just won’t do on American soil

    he’s got a new essay every day. quite intense reading

  3. Thanks to BFH and Mary for sending the constant readers of IOTW this article. After reading the full piece at the source, along with the comments, I had to add this penny for your thoughts…
    The forces of evil behind this (and most of the other outrages occurring here)have very nearly won. The vast majority of Americans, from members of Congress down to the people that live in every corner of the 50 states are completely cowed and will do nothing. Americans are not willing in large enough numbers to use violence (yes, violence) to stop this and reverse the efforts of the forces of evil. Americans are not willing to die for their country in sufficient numbers to preserve freedom and sovereignty, it is just that simple. Keep writing your blogs and comments, but the vast majority will have none of it, will put their fingers in their ears and hum happy tunes. The USA, as we all would like it to be, is done. And I’m just as incensed about it as you are…

  4. Even the jihadists couldn’t have come up with a better plan to infiltrate the US with deadly pathogens and future Dem voters. Sort of a fast track to death panels without the panels. Of course this admin loves it all.

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