Strangest Conservative Video I’ve Ever Seen – IOTW Report

Strangest Conservative Video I’ve Ever Seen

I really mean STRANGE! But after a while, as you listen to what she is saying and some of her movements match what she’s saying, I laughed out loud and agreed with everything she says.

I know many of you won’t be able to manage watching the whole thing, but please try! It’s in two parts so be sure to watch the second.

Oh, speaking of her movements matching what she is saying … it reminded me of watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon as an adult. It was one I remember from my childhood, so as I was watching it, it dawned on me that there was an undercurrent of humor just for adults. I just remember enjoying the cartoon as a kid, but as an adult, I laughed even harder!

25 Comments on Strangest Conservative Video I’ve Ever Seen

  1. TRF
    MARCH 8, 2022 AT 4:39 PM

    “Love the emphasis on the Bushes tho!”

    …not sure I’m on board with that.

    I approve of the feminine type of bushes in general, but for the Kennebunkport type Bushes I have nothing but disgust.

    Its like calling someone a “pussy” as a term of disapprbation. There’s nothing generally wrong with the feminine organ that the slang “Pussy” refers to. All men started when a man utilized a “pussy” as God intened. With the Caesarian exceptions most men CAME from a “pussy”. With homosexual exceptions most men grow up to seek out “Pussy”. Few men would argue that they don’t like “Pussy” and yet they call men they DON’T like “pussy”.

    It’s just unnecessary linguistic confusion.

    “Bush”, in this context, is the exact same thing…

  2. I don’t agree that borders are only meant to pit us one against another.

    It took me a solid two minutes to close my mouth and wipe the stunned look off my face.

  3. TRF
    MARCH 8, 2022 AT 5:05 PM
    Honest… I thot it wuz about the President’s family name…

    …I have to be me, and that means I’m going to be needlessy pedantic.

    But extremism in defense of feminine bush is no vice…;)

  4. She’s spoofing that idiot dancing leftist chick. No, not AOC. MJA or BFH did a thread awhile back, and I remember that spastic dancing from before, only it was a leftard chick.

    And yes, this gal here is on the money, and very funny. With better moves than the leftard, IIRC.

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