Street Couches Are the Best – IOTW Report

Street Couches Are the Best


Woman discovered boa constrictor living inside couch she’d found on street two months earlier

Two months after she moved a second hand couch into her bedroom, a Grand Rapids, Michigan woman discovered a four-foot boa constrictor had been lurking inside. Holly Wright says she doesn’t know where the snake came from; she found the couch on the curb outside a house.



14 Comments on Street Couches Are the Best

  1. She found a couch on the STREET!!?!?! And brought it in her house. Definitely not a germ o phobe.
    Imagine the human and animal body fluids on that baby.
    Now I’m not going to be able to sleep.

  2. If your pet snake escapes and you can’t find it. Keep a shallow pan of water on the floor at night along with a lit flashlight with the bulb covered with a red cloth or paper. At least the snake won’t dehydrate.

  3. Good grief! Would this person put on someone elses used underwear? That’s about the equivalent of dragging used furniture into your house.

    Eeeeeyou! Don’t touch that! You don’t know who or what’s nasty azz (not to mention other body parts) has been on it! Not to mention lice, fleas, cockroaches – sell the snake and buy new furniture, dummy….

  4. I put out a broken rocking chair for the garbage man to pick up once. Someone took it before the garbage man could. And used couches, furniture etc. are commonly referred to as early American Goodwill. You can keep the snake,spiders not picking up someone else’s garbage.

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