Stress Testing Our Rights – IOTW Report

Stress Testing Our Rights

There are people, known as auditors, who stress test the constitution. Sometimes these audits are a little uncomfortable to watch, but they are necessary.

Would you like to see the jails filled with rude people who hurt the cops feelings? Is this a power you are willing to give the police? Should one go to jail because they called a cop a c***sucker?

The courts have already ruled that profanity, insults, and words are not crimes. Again, it’s tough to watch at times, but I’m okay with a$$holes not being thrown in jail. You could be having a bad day and let one slip. Now, imagine yourself in jail, with your freedom taken away, because you “said something” that bruised the ego of a cop.

When these auditors deliberately bruise egos, they are doing that for us.

No one’s rights should be trampled, and that includes the people we do not like.

In the video that ECP linked (in the comments of another post) we see a cop, a completely idiotic cop, tell an auditor that she will take him to jail if he doesn’t show her ID. That is completely unconstitutional. This is not Nazi Germany where one has to “show their papers” under threat of arrest.

The moronic cop compounds her idiocy when asked what crime has been committed. She says, “Suspicious activity.”

A cop’s “hunch” is not a crime. Unless the cop can explain what crime you have committed, no one is under any obligation to give their ID. You may choose to do so, if that is what you want to do, but people who do not give up their ID are within their rights and shouldn’t be treated as if they are the bad guys. Viewing these videos and asking, “Why don’t they just comply?,” is akin to surrendering to a police state. Why not give up 2A while you’re at it?

I ask, do you want to live in a society where you can be locked up because some dipshit cop “thinks” you’re up to no good? Do you want the cops to show up and start harassing you because some paranoid person made a 911 saying you are “suspicious”? Do you want cops to not know the law?

Watch the video below. If you think the cops were in the right to arrest this man, I would like to hear about it in the comments.

27 Comments on Stress Testing Our Rights

  1. I have to say the MOST of the Police are corrupt power hungry authoritarians that think they are above the law. That’s because they don’t know the laws and they make up laws on the spot. A town near me has a population of 1200 and they have an idiot police chief and 10 deputies. Draw your own conclusions,

  2. Most people have the belief, “I am law-abiding, I do not have to worry. I have nothing to hide, so I comply.” That is a bad attitude. What happens if there comes a day when 5-6-7 times a week, wherever you go cops are asking you for ID? You’re driving on the highway, doing nothing illegal, and a cop pulls you over because he thinks you looked suspicious. You may think that is okay, perhaps because you have nowhere to go, have no deadlines, etc. But many do. Many could lose their jobs, etc.

  3. The average human being is a totally worthless piece of shit. Now consider that police forces are full of below average mouthbreathing cunts. Most cops are scum who were too stupid to be petty criminals.

  4. Referring to the article posted above this one, ask the cop why they are wasting their time trying to find some trivial crime you MAY have committed when they know there are pedophiles raping children nearby.

  5. Instead of watching TV, I often watch YouTube videos just like this one. There are thousands of them. You’d be surprised how many cops are profoundly stupid and are willing to abuse the rights of citizens. The intelligence of the average cop is lower than whale shit. These are the kind of people that the government wants on police forces all over the nation. Think of them as the modern-day version of the Brown Shirts that the Nazi Party recruited to abuse German citizens as they were seizing power. Obama and his handlers put this plan into full gear during his administration. Remember what he said about an organization as well equipped and funded as the US military. this is what he meant. They are intended to evolve into the modern US version of the Gestapo and they will unless we stop them.

  6. In my area every so often the cops have check points that check if people are driving drunk or have dead tags. So They usually stop every other person. They always ask for drivers license which is my ID. So I don’t know how to get out of that. Do they have the right to know if I have a valid drivers license?

  7. Depends on the state. Many states have finally realized that police checkpoints violate their state constitution (as well as the 4th amendment.) Florida (and De Santis) allows police to impede the flow of free people to “check for drunk drivers.”

    This could lead to “I think I smell alcohol (or marijuana)” which is unprovable and completely subjective. This, according to the police, validates a search of your car.

    Learn your state’s law and stand your ground on your rights. Complying to unconstitutional demands is a slippery slope.

  8. I called about a guy who stole aluminum tubing from my driveway and was hauling it away in a wheelie bin. My wheelie bin. It was 02:00 and my neighbor called and told me he spotted him loading up the wheelie bin and was proceeding south with it.

    The 911 operator ask for my address, name and birth date. That puzzled me for a few seconds, but then it dawned on me that asking for birth date must be an effort to thwart “swatting.” Tacoma being a hot bed of Antifa types, I suppose this is could be seen as a justifiably reasonable precaution against that, but I’m skeptical. Make absolutely no mistake about it, most of Tacoma’s elected and appointed officials identify more closely with and their sympathies are more aligned with, Antifa than they are the residents at large.

  9. Beware the universal hand signal for ID. That’s a hand held out with index finger above thumb making a rectangle, as if your ID was in that hand and the cop is looking at it. Cops universally make this gesture while asking for your ID. It’s not by accident, and IMO it makes you want to comply and fill that empty hand.

    BFH, I agree about what you said regarding driving. However, each state is different about presenting ID. I know in AZ you have to present ID to the cop at his request even if you did nothing wrong, and he doesn’t have to tell you the reason for the stop. Although, you can after the fact, get complaints and suits filed if the traffic stop was meaningless, but you also don’t want to end up in handcuffs for refusal at the stop.

  10. When we control police, we have no problem and we can trust police. When the left/swamp controls the police, the police are the enemy. It’s that simple. Keep power out of the hands of the left/swamp and we’ll live in a free country. Wait till the MILLIONS of illegals who Biden/obama let into the nation begin to show who they are. We’ll be BEGGING for police to “investigate”.

  11. ECP-
    I’m not a scofflaw. If I don’t like a law I would work to overturn it. The place to protest it is not with the police. I am not advocating anyone not comply with lawful commands, and that includes checkpoints. But your state may have specific allowances that cops might “bend” because they think they can bully. Providing a driver’s license when pulled over is a lawful command. As you know, asking for ID when you’re not in a car and not breaking the law is the action of a cop that is an idiot and a danger.

  12. BFH – One big problem is cops often say they are giving you a lawful order when they’re not actually following the law or protecting your rights. They just want to protect their ego. You can take it a step further and ask, “If I don’t obey your order, are you going to arrest me?” Under the threat of arrest, you follow the order, whatever it may be. Then you have standing to fight it in court, against the cop who will lose qualified immunity because he used the force of law to cover his ego. “You’re driving on the highway, doing nothing illegal, and a cop pulls you over because he thinks you looked suspicious.” isn’t exactly a lawful reason for a traffic stop and personally I’d provide ID only under threat of arrest in that scenario.

  13. Power tripping females officers are the worst often cause far more problems then they ever solve. Of course there are a lot of Ahole male cops too.
    I hate doing long posts in the comment sections but this seems like a spot to a write about case I am apparently to be called in almost 7 years after the incident took place. I received a call from the Nassau County DA’s office Friday regarding an Arrest I witnessed in October 2017. Like most of these cases that make the news it was an egotistical ahole meeting and egotistical ahole cop.
    The link to the story below of course doesn’t tell much of the story at all.
    the reason the Grand Jury dropped all charges is because the cop took witness statements from me and several people at the park then transposed their signatures, onto statements they never made.
    I had arrived at the dog park only a minute or two before the cops arrived when asked by the cop to give a statement he asked me to sign a lengthy statement about how I had seen the man that was arrested harassing other dog owners, screaming and cursing etc.
    The cop rewrote the statement which read (as best as I can remember) that I saw the individual punch the cop while resisting arrest Which you can see in the video. I signed that statement giving the cop the benefit of a doubt and deference.
    A short time latter I learned (sort of he didn’t actually tell me) from the DA that the cop had submitted the original statement he had written with my signature on it.
    Only recently after hearing from the plaintiffs (the arrested man’s) lawyer
    that the cop not only altered my statement but the statement of the other witnesses as well.
    What the DA called me for I am not certain I did not answer I will call them back today I suppose.

  14. seaoh
    I can’t even believe I’m typing this, but I am. Steer clear of that mess. defuse it, get out of it. You are Colonel Klink and you know nothing. That’s a bad department and that dirty cop will have dirty cop pals. Just my two pesos.

  15. @ brad
    I no longer live anywhere near there so not to worried about it.
    I think the DA maybe finally charging the officer for falsify reports not sure what exactly is going on.
    The lawsuit is still going on and has not been settled, haven’t been put under oath or testified yet in anyway.
    I wonder if could sue the cop?
    I appreciate your concern through TY.

  16. You an me both I am a retired Corrections officer I worked with a lot of the same Aholes PD has to deal with. I still respect honest cops and try to give them the benefit of doubt, but I have seen so much corruption, dealt with to many unqualified female CO’s and police officers my opinion of officers is much more nuanced today. The BLM riots, covid lockdowns and Jan 6 incidents have also definitely soured my opinion of law enforcement officers in general, very sad to say.

  17. seaoh, Nassau county is a cesspool of corruption. Long Island Audit (youtube) has done some excellent investigative journalism on the county where he lives and has made the public aware of many disturbing events. With a couple cases pending, cops followed him in unmarked/plain clothes to his house intimidating him trying to get him to stop his investigations. If you’re interested, about 5-6 months ago he posted a long string of videos on Nassau, shouldn’t be hard to find.


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