Stretch Cunningham Has Always Been a Smug Dope – IOTW Report

Stretch Cunningham Has Always Been a Smug Dope

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”

That was a tweet Oliver “Stretch Cunningham” Cromwell sent out yesterday.

This is his response after facing backlash.

Out of context?

A tweet is in context. Was there some speech he was making and decided to tweet out one little part of it?

Lefties simply can’t say what they mean and leave it at that. There is always a period of libsplaining that we are the idiots that can’t follow what they really mean.



20 Comments on Stretch Cunningham Has Always Been a Smug Dope

  1. And my guess is that it’ll be more of Stretch’s friends’ blood than my friends’ blood. A lot more. And then the whining and complaining about “misunderstanding” will start.

  2. Yeah, walk it back.
    Make believe you didn’t write what you wrote.
    “Pacifist” my ass.
    Another “pacifist” like those assholes who supported the Ribbentrop/Molotov treaty which divided Poland between Nazi Germany and the USSR and led to the deaths of millions.
    You fool no one – except the brain-dead morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When will Democrats take responsibility for the ownership of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and the KKK ?

    That wasn’t America. That was the Democrat party.
    America sent their army to defeat the Southern Democrats (confederates) and end their racism.


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