String Of European Nations Suspend Vaccinations With Astra Zeneca – IOTW Report

String Of European Nations Suspend Vaccinations With Astra Zeneca

Yesterday Denmark, Norway and Iceland joined a growing number of European nations halting the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine after reports of complications due to blood clotting. Here

Other nations include Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg and Italy. Bulgaria’s PM has ordered a suspension as well. Here

3 Comments on String Of European Nations Suspend Vaccinations With Astra Zeneca

  1. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS, the ads running in Ohio are blatant lies. Rigorously tested on healthy people with a normal BMI between the ages of 18 and 38. 1.7% of the people in the studies were above the age of 50 with a normal BMI and no health issues. BS, BS, BS.
    My friend’s son has been in the hospital for 3 weeks since receiving the Moderna vaccine he was urged to get by his doctor. He has swelling on the brain among other things. He may never be ‘normal’ again. The hospital has been trying to hush up his reaction to the vaccine and keep the family from talking about.

  2. Eugenia
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 10:51 AM

    …that’s nothing. Obviously they haven’t done long-term studies and there’s been NO mutanagenic or tetragenic studies AT ALL, so even if it DOESN’T directly harm THESE children (who aren’t in much danger from the alleged disease ANYWAY), it may mutate them LATER, or mutate their BABIES like Thalidomide (another “safe and effective” drug) did, or maybe just make them sterile.

    ..pretty big risk to take for a 99.99% survival rate that is, REALLY just a seasonal flu the Democrats blew up to monster movie size so they could implement full-on Communism, which has and WILL kill more than all the worlds flus COMBINED…


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