Strokes, Dementia and Multiple Sclerosis are on the Rise Due To… Say It With Me…. – IOTW Report

Strokes, Dementia and Multiple Sclerosis are on the Rise Due To… Say It With Me….

I have a much better explanation for the rise in migraines.


Climate change is making a host of health conditions more common and severe, a review has claimed.

Researchers looked at 364 studies dating back to 1990.

They found rising global temperatures and increasingly severe weather events have increased the risks of strokes, dementia and multiple sclerosis.

But it is not just chronic illnesses, more mild ailments like headaches have also become more common, the study claims.

Prior research shows higher longer summers and hotter temperatures put increased stress on the heart.

The body has to work harder to stay cool and pump blood round to different organs.

And evidence shows that when pollution is breathed in, it also seeps into the bloodstream.

This chronic stress on the on the body drives up the risk of brain disorders and neurological diseases.

Since 1981, global temperatures have risen 0.32°F per decade.

Lead author of the study, Dr Andrew Dhawan, from Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said: ‘Climate change poses many challenges for humanity, some of which are not well-studied.’

He added: ‘As we witness the effects of a warming planet on human health, it is imperative that neurologists anticipate how neurologic disease may change.’


You know how when a douche does something really stupid in traffic and you just have to speed up to get a glimpse of the asshole?

Well, I had to see the “lead author” of this stupidity.

Yup. That’s about right.

22 Comments on Strokes, Dementia and Multiple Sclerosis are on the Rise Due To… Say It With Me….

  1. Recently, I’ve been looking at photos taken at the same spot but at least a hundred years apart in time. Say one photo is of a lighthouse taken today, showing the waterline at a given point. Then look at a photo of the same lighthouse taken from the same spot but back in the late 1800s — showing the waterline in the exact same spot. Climate change (at least as pushed by these assholes) is BULLSHIT.

  2. We have to deal with the climate change fraud because in the beginning, the Federal government only funded grants claiming global warming was real. Anyone who disagreed did not get federal funding. Wanna see global warming disappear? Have the federal government fund studies admitting global warming is a scam. Poof. Global warming will be a thing of the past.

  3. I wonder what’s the correlation of drug use and all these ailments on the rise? Or perhaps the correlation of crappy diets too. But to the AGW crowd that has to qualify their grant money, they have a hammer and everything looks like a nail.

  4. I can attest that here in Arizona we have seen the landscape change from pine forests, with mild summers, to triple digit temperatures and vast swathes of barren desert!
    All this, in only 30 thousand years, proves Climate Change!

  5. Without global warming they can’t:
    Justify the $BILLIONS made on carbon credits and carbon offsets.
    Their electric vehicle scam.
    Their wind power scam.
    Their solar panel scam.
    Ethanol scam.
    Buying oil from terrorist/supporting countries.
    Child labor mining.

  6. @judgeroybean November 17, 2022 at 10:09 am

    > We have to deal with the climate change fraud because in the beginning, the Federal government only funded grants claiming global warming was real.

    If you believe having en-titled layers of political commissars, in place, to produce the Facts(TM) requested, was the beginning… I’ve got a brid… oh. I’ve got the rubble of a bridge, to sell you.

  7. All, every last bit of wokery, is just an empty loyalty oath to prove your obedience to the establishment. “Climate Change” is just one element of wokeness.

    Bankman-Fried admitted what we already knew.

    For these billionaires, wokery is just an empty loyalty oath to prove your obedience to the establishment.


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