Strong Rumor – Laura Ingraham to get own show on Fox – IOTW Report

Strong Rumor – Laura Ingraham to get own show on Fox


If sources are to be believed, Fox News could be headed toward its third major prime-time lineup shuffle this year. A “source with knowledge of the matter” tells CNN that Laura Ingraham is in talks with Fox executives to get her own show on the network. That report was confirmed to Variety by a “person familiar with the outlet’s plans.” Ingraham has been a contributor with Fox News since 2007 and has filled in for both Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly on occasion. Talks are said to be in their early stages, and nothing has been finalized. Neither Fox News nor Ingraham have commented.


22 Comments on Strong Rumor – Laura Ingraham to get own show on Fox

  1. Good for her, I guess. I like Laura but fox seems to want that trip down the sewer pipe. At least she still gets a voice of reason out there, our view needs more exposure on the airwaves as it’s almost exclusively the lefts ground.

  2. Laura deserves her own show. So does Mark Steyn.

    The Murdock boys are determined to continue moving FOX to the Left of MSNBC.
    Any minute I expect them to announce a new nightly profile, “Heroes Of ANTIFA”.

    One solution is to unbundle Cable. Go to a la carte. Watch the Lefty networks collapse and shrink without the bundling subsidies.

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