Strozk-Page texts suggest FBI used post-election briefing to gather intel on Trump team – IOTW Report

Strozk-Page texts suggest FBI used post-election briefing to gather intel on Trump team


DC: The chairmen of two Senate committees are seeking a briefing from Attorney General William Barr about FBI text messages they claim might point to potential spying against the Trump transition team in the weeks after the 2016 election.

In a letter Thursday to Barr, Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin cite a series of text messages from Nov. 17, 2016 exchanged between then-FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and then-FBI attorney Lisa Page.

In the texts, Strzok makes a reference to using “our CI guy” to develop “potential relationships” with Trump transition team members. Strzok suggested using the “CI guy” — a likely reference to a counterintelligence official — to assess whether unidentified Trump officials expressed a “different demeanor.”

Grassley and Johnson say in the letter that they are not entirely sure what Strzok and Page were referring to in the text messages, but they want a briefing from Barr to find out if the two bureau officials were trying to keep tabs on President Donald Trump’s team.

“Any improper FBI surveillance activities that were conducted before or after the 2016 election must be brought to light and properly addressed,” Grassley and Johnson wrote.

The two Republicans noted that Barr testified to Congress on April 10 that he believed “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign. Barr said he plans to form a team to investigate whether the FBI or other government agencies improperly surveilled the Trump team or any Trump associates.   more here

5 Comments on Strozk-Page texts suggest FBI used post-election briefing to gather intel on Trump team

  1. The Feebs were doing terrible things when they were spying on the Trump campaign, transition, and administration. We know that. Making the list of terrible things longer has no practical benefit…except for those who were doing the terrible things, those who will do anything now to misdirect attention away from the fraudulent nature of their spying investigation itself, and that there was no legal or truthful basis upon which to begin the spying.

    The focus needs to be on the Obama administrations grossly illegal use of NSA data to gather dirt on their political opponents. It was, after all, to cover that up that they concocted the RussiaRussiaRussia hoax in the first place.

  2. msNBC is triple dosing the RussiaRussiaRussia hoax as a means to distract and give comfort to themselves after the horrible horrible horrible weeks they have been having.

    David Jolly, a famous republican attorney and former lobbyist from Florida’s 13th congressional district who is now living off msNBC appearance fees was DNCNBC morale boosting with PR strategies to counter President Trump.

    Another Great Week

  3. Remember Tom Foley’s “ because there is no evidence is the reason we must investigate”? That’s the ‘by the book’ methodology of destruction of innocent people. “innocent of what? “ says Curly Bill in Unforgiven.


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